
I heard of this dutch hacker named mr. C from a xat chat box and i hear he is unstoppable?

by  |  earlier

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i got word from a xat chat room that some hacker from another country is using a hacker software. i do not think he has any reason to hack me, but since he is from another country, wouldnt be untraceable if he did. and ive seen him hack a chat box before, the title of the chat box changed to "hacked by mr c" and the chat froze.

even worse news, i hear he works for the dutch government. once again i dont think he has any reason to hack me, but how can people be sure they are safe even with all of the anti virus programs they have out?




  1. In my opinion, most hackers you hear about aren't the best hackers. The best usually stay anonymous. Nope, foreigners who gain unauthorized access to U.S. computer networks can still be tracked down and have been. As far as being "hacked", if there was an answer to that question the information security industry would not be so big, just make sure you have a good firewall setup and hope for the best.

  2. gee--- thats heavy man

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