
I heard putting epsom salts in a bathtub can cure sore muscles. How much do i use?

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I'm playing football and my muscles are as sore as c**p. i need some remedy to help my muscles, i heard this would work.




  1. I normally use the whole box.

    Make sure you drink plenty of pure room temp filtered water afterwards, as it will help to flush out toxins, which in turn will help reduce the pain.

    Here is more info on the health benefits plus uses:




  2. read the box genius. If they thought you were smart enough they wouldn't give you directions!

  3. It can help a LOT.  I would use 3/ 1 cup. That's plenty... Put it under hot water only, when first filling the tub.  Use something to keep stirring the hot water and epsom salts, til all is disolved well.  It HAS to be disolved or it won't do any good.

    As soon as it's all disolved, and it WILL disolve with the hot water, start adding the cold to it, til it's a temp you are comfortable with.  Keep it as warm as you can stand without burning you, of course.  Slide down into the warm water, keep letting the water run til the tub is full.

    Lay on your stomach a while, as well, to be sure the sore areas or all covered, like the tops of the thighs, which are kinda still out of the water when you are on your back.   Whatever is the best for you.

    Stay in the tub til the water starts to cool.  If you aren't ready to get out yet, let some water out, and re-fill with more warm water.  Don't wash at this time.  The soap doesn't do well with the epsom salts.  Just soak.

    You need to shower afterward, to get the epsom salts film off of you.  Use the soap of your choice at that time.

    Hope you feel better afterward.  You can do this every night/am if you care to.

    The Dollar Store carries a very cheap brand of blue-colored "Cool Gel"  in a plastic jar. Some places it is called "Cool Ice," and is only a couple bucks.  Slather it on before bedtime, wear an old t-shirt that you don't care about.  It works just as good as any of the expensive rubs.  Bougtht it for my son, when he was in football.  = )  Good luck!

  4. You cant use too much.  More is better with Epsom salt.  Try to take a cold bath if you can.  Heat will only make your muscles more inflamed.  

    Also, consider getting a sports massage from a lisenced massage therapist.

    If you can get to a healthfood store, get some arnica rub for after your bath.  

    Tiger's Balm is a good one with some chilling agents too.

  5. two or three table spoons or half a cup should work

  6. Hi re Epsom Salts (magnesium sulphide)

    Use about a cupfull in a bath or half a cup in a bucket for your feet if you dont have enough time. Stay in the water for abour eight minutes or until your skin goes wrinkly like a prune, when this happens your body lets the toxins back in. Also make sure the water is as hot as you can handle. ARNICA is an excelland Homeopathic remedy for this soreness too and can be used without any side effects.

  7. use about a half of cup

  8. At least two cups and don't fill the tub very full. I usually use 1/2 cup per gallon. It's cheap and it won't hurt if you get too much. Dissolves best if you use hot water, stir until the grains disappear, then add the cool water to get the temp just nice and warm.

    Liquid extract of Arnica or a gel with Arnica in it makes a helpful rub. I also like Absorbine Jr - made with pure essential oils of Peppermint & Absinthium.

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