
I heard that cruise ships have a morgue on-board. Is this true. I see a lot a really old people on the ships.?

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What is the average number of people that die per sailing?




  1. what do you think they do with people who die onboard....throw them overboard?

  2. No thats not true. If someone died they would get off at the next port and contact the officials.

  3. Well, since they don't throw them "overboard" anymore. %})

  4. In an emergency situation, they would radio the coast guard who would then send a helicopter out to pick up the body.

  5. Im sure they do....they have to have somewhere for bodies dont they...those ships can carry a lot of people. WHen I lived in a high rise flat there were two was normal sized and square in shape whilst the other was long and deep...I never thought about it till another resident told me that the long one was for coffins! Obviously a coffin cannot be carried down 21 floors so they have a deep lift to pop them into!

  6. They dont have an actual morgue, but they do have a place for storing bodies until the ship gets to the next port if needed. There is usually space for one or two bodies depending on the ship.

    Thankfully they are rarely used, most medical emergencies are disembarked to hospital in time, sometimes using helicopters if the ship is too far from land (and it is covered by the persons insurance - a helicopter callout costs in the region of 45,000 dollars in the Caribbean).

  7. Are you planning a Halloween party at the cruise?

  8. No, usually they just bury them at sea.

  9. Some ships have a small cooler for bodies in the medical area.  

    You would be surprised, but about one passenger dies on a Holland America ship per 2 weeks.

    If you hear the words Bright Star over the announcement system..that means there has been a death......

  10. Actually what they do if someone dies is wrap up the body and store it in the galley freezer. Sounds nasty I know but it's really harmless and you have to remember the ship's freezer is humongous.

  11. excellent question

  12. You have to be kidding? There is no morgue on board.  These are all retired people traveling... Just like you or anybody else...

  13. Not sure, but this is defineltly one of the ammenties of a cruise that I don't want to enjoy

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