
I heard that i the year of 2029 there is going to be a comit that is going to hit us of just miss us?

by Guest64781  |  earlier

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it this true or not and if you dont know just simple tell me what you think but if you do know please tell me!




  1. i thought it was 2012

  2. Hun, we are not making it to the year of 2029. The world ends way before that.

  3. Yeah I heard about that too, I just saw a show about it on the Discovery Channel-the comet's called Apophis.

    It's also supposed to come close to Earth in 2036.

  4. It's going to come "within 20,000 miles"  but not supposed to hit earth.  

    "during the early morning hours of April 13, 2029, observers in Asia and North Africa will have a chance to witness a rare celestial event as an asteroid, 99942 Apophis, passes within 20,000 miles of Earth.

    "It's not gonna knock your socks off, and it certainly won't be the brightest object in the sky, but it'll be easily observable with the naked eye," said Don Yeomans, manager of NASA's Near Earth Object (NEO) Program.

    The approach of an asteroid this large -- Apophis is more than 1,000 feet in diameter -- and this close to Earth occurs only about once every 1,500 years.

    Scientists are awaiting the close flyby with mixed emotions: excitement at a unique scientific opportunity and uneasiness that it might be a sign of more ominous things to come."

  5. wait...its gonna hit us but miss us?

  6. Let me look in to my crystal ball and see. Whether it's 2029 or 2012, the news media and scientific community are keeping it well under wraps. Hmm... you'd think they'd want to talk about something like that. Oh well, I guess we don't have to worry about polar bears dying off in 2050 anymore.

  7. look at my question and read the bottom texts;...

  8. actully were suppsto die on 12-12-12 so frankley idc about 2029 im more worried about 2012


    Posted: Jan 2 2005, 9:41 pm

    The odds of impact in the year 2029 by a recently discovered asteroid are unlikely to change much in the next few weeks, astronomers said Monday.

    Last Thursday, Dec. 23, scientists announced that a space rock named 2004 MN4 had about a 1-in-300 chance of striking Earth on April 13, 2029. On Friday, the risk was upgraded as more observations rolled in. The asteroid was given an unprecedented risk rating of 4 on the Torino Scale, which means it warrants careful monitoring. The odds at various times were put at 1-in-63 and 1-in-45.

    Chances are up to .029

    How deep a hole do I need to dig?

    How big is "Apophosis"?

    Approximately 330 meters across. Not a "planet killer", but it would cause massive destruction over a large area.


    The potential impact zone stretches across from Bangladesh to France across some of the most populous area. There is even the risk of tsunami affecting the east coast of America.

    The potential impact area in 2036 is off the Pacific coast of North America (The narrow zone stretches from Central America to Siberia). This impact would create a 9 metre high tsunami that could strike southern California.

    75 million tonnes of rock (1,600 megatons of energy) falling onto land wouldn’t be as bad as say falling onto the sea and generating something similar to the recent tsunami.

    However, the April 13, 2029 close flyby may create tidal forces within the asteroid, causing asteroid quakes. If the asteroid has a low density (less than half that of water), then Apophis could be completely disrupted (similar to Comet Shoemaker-Levy that struck Jupiter). (

  10. There have been tons of theory's for thousands of years about some type of apocalyptic thing happening. If it's not a comet in 2029 it's Y2K. You can't really fret about such things.

  11. Most likely, the comet, if it hits Earth, will disintegrate when it hits the atmosphere. No worries!

  12. i dont think you should be bothered by it, its probably a rumor. plus, its 21 years away

  13. Oh **** really?  d**n I guess this would be devastating news if I wasn't already aware that I was gonna die someday anyway.

  14. It's not true. And even if it were, death will be relatively quick and painless. Why do you fear death? There is nothing after it. It's simpler than living.


    could be a hoax though, you never know.

  16. its not true. people said that the world was gunna end in 2000, and did it? your worrying over nuthing. sum crazy ppl started this whole thing to get ppl scared.

  17. h**l I will be 97 years old then . Any idea what time it will happen as I do enjoy my early morning cup of tea.?

  18. i dont think that that is true because no one can predct if a comet is going to hit us in 21 years and  i dont think you should worry about it just enjoy life today and not worry about tomarrow!!!

  19. I thought the earth will be destroyed in 2012, so it will definately miss us.

  20. I hope it's a fun ride! But I thought that one dude from that show on the history channel said 2012?! When my oldest daughter graduates high school. So should I really not care if she skips? I mean she's not going to college right?!?!

  21. well i was watching this movie on the history channel ...that the mayans or something has this calendar and its more accurate than the one in the u.s. and everything that those ppl have predicted in the past has been something was going to happen on 9/11 and something did happen....and now they predict that the world is going to end in 2012....wierd because on the news i heard that two ppl had the same dream that the world was going to end 2010.......very scary!!!!!! but cool

  22. I dk but I think it is just someone talking stuff, who many times have people cried Armageddon is coming, it's the end of the world...Yeah and we are still here, And even if it does we have no control over it, I would rather not know.

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