
I heard that in China they are only allowed 1 child,

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what happens if a mother is carrying more than one child in any pregnancy? Are they then allowed to keep more than one?




  1. they are not given any benefits and they have to pay extra tax.

    Pretty harsh really as in 100 years the population of the earth will be like 30 billion - 50 billion and this law could take place in many other countries as well.

  2. Most are forced to have an abortion, only the elite or very rich can pay themselves out through bribery.

  3. Hello,

    Yes china has a one child policy. If a mother is carrying another child they impose fines i believe- you will find more details about the way it wors here:

    i have a friend who is from China who says she is close to her friends like sisters as they have no actual siblings so form close friendships. Also, due to the one child policy many female babies are abandoned due to families wanting a boy to be an heir and to continue the family name.

    Hope that helps!

  4. Yes this is called the one child policy, this was enforced because of china's outstanding rise of population. I think China is trying to reach a steady line of population also if a mother has two babies in one pregnancy Im certain they are too be adopted?

    I have heard of many American parents adopting Chinese babies...?

    :D I hope I answered your question well.

  5. I have actually heard the same thing, due to over population but what if the couple have twins? Crazy

  6. Japan has no rules.

    China has long had a one child rule that is strickly enforced until recently when there is so loosening.

    If a woman is preg with twins, they can keep both children.

  7. yes it is very true, they are only allowed 1 child. if they had 2, then they would kill 1 of them. it is very sad. idk if they do that anymore though.

  8. I believe if they're allowed to have more than one child but they're taxed for it. Which to a lot of westerners sounds really stupid and dumb but they obviously haven't been to China. China is vastly overpopulated as we all know. It's the best way to control the population. Better than that method some military leader in kenya used a few decades back which was just killing the major cities.  

  9. Yes it is true.  I think they have to pay a fine if they have two. It`s an atttempt to cut down on their massively over-populated country.

    It`s a wise move really (look at starving africa where they believe in large families!)...but I think it causes a lot of lonely childhoods.

    Many baby girls were actually killed years ago in old China as boys were always considered more important. They don`t kill them these days of course.

  10. It is true!

  11. If the mother does keep more than one the father will lose his job and the family will be disgraced.

    I think that's right, I'm just going by what i remember from my geography lesson.

  12. They are allowed to keep the child but there are going to be taxed p/child extra that they have.



  13. They can have more than one child although it is discouraged by tax penalties.

    Wouldn't work in the UK though. Imagine the panic within  benefit scroungers PLC.

  14. The one child policy allows parents to keep more then one children, under the condition that they pay loads more tax.

  15. I saw a programme on this a few weeks ago.  If a mother has twins then that is OK - she is not punnished for a natural event.  The law comes into force if she has more children by separate pregnancies.  It is relaxing now.  Farming families are allowed more than one child as the Chinese realise that they need a farming community and more and more people are moving to the cities.

    |It sounds like it could be an ideal situation until you saw the pain of the parent's following the earthquake - many of whom could not have more children due to sterilisation etc.  Also, when we reach old age, we rely on our families more.  Who is going to care for old men/women who have no extended families?  

  16. They are allowed to have more than one child but they would have to pay tax. They also have the 1 dog rule.  

  17. yes but they have to pay

  18. another question : how is the Chinese government facilitating all those parents who lost their only child in the earthquake??

  19. japan and china i think

    answer mine please;...

  20. If they have more than one yes. They are so over populated!

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