
I heard that in Smart shops in Amsterdam you can get drugs to help people with demetia is that true

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if it is how good is it




  1. Originally, "smart" drugs were so named because they were supposed to stimulate the mind and improve memory. Over time the term has broadened to include just about any fun or beneficial substance that has not yet been prohibited. Many of the products, such as the "herbal" ecstasies, are cocktails of various natural substances. Notable among these substances is ephedra, a natural source of ephedrine. Ephedra is sometimes called Ma-huang and is a stimulant like caffeine and amphetamine (speed). It is illegal in many countries so its prevalence in many recipes may make the products available in Dutch smartshops different to those you find at home.

    In the larger shops you'll find a wide array of smart drugs including: stimulants, hallucinogens, herbal xtc, s*x enhancers, aphrodisiacs, energy drinks and much more. Although cocaine and ecstasy are very much illegal in the Netherlands, testing kits are widely available. You'll also find recovery kits containing specific vitamins and other substances to help the body repair itself after over indulging.

    Whilst hard core party animals are unlikely to accept that there is any substitute for real MDMA, it is worth trying some of these alternative party drugs before a night in Amsterdam's clubs. They have a distinctive stimulant effect and some provide some feeling of empathy too, especially when used with cannabis. Their biggest advantage, however, is that they are legal and clean.

  2. You can get drugs that help with dementia from certain places in Amsterdam...

    It depends entirely on what the drug is.

    The "smart" drugs which I think you're talking about are usually pie-in-the-sky.

    The real ones, that do help, are psychiatric drugs - Amsterdam is notorious for being a good place in Europe to get prescription only drugs of ALL varieties.

    The BEST place to get the type of drugs you are talking about is from Pakistan, Afghanistan or India, where you can just walk into the chemist with a list of what you want and some American Dollars (there're usually money changers standing outside...) and get whatever the h**l you want for next to nothing.

    Watch out for online pharmacies - there are a LOT of frauds out there.

    If you want to email me, I can help you out with a few links to some ones that are tried and tested to be reliable, fast and actually give you what you want.

    You can even get anti-retro-virals from some of these places...

    And they are very expensive, very hard to get drugs.

    Usually only given to HIV/AIDS patients or medics, etc... who have come into contact with something that could mean they could contract it.

    I wouldn't recommend taking them for fun, however - they're nasty, if life-saving...


    Since many herbalists have discovered the potential that what they sell can be used for fun, getting them under the guise of herbal medicine is a lot harder - eg. asking a chinese medicinal practitioner for ma-huang will require a diagnosis requiring it, rather than just buying it...

    That's why it's often best to go to places, as you mention, in Amsterdam, that sell them for the specific purpose of having fun...

    I've found that there are many analogues, equally as good as the man-made chemicals, available from herbalists...

    Acorus Calamus for amphetamines, valerian for valium, passionflower for LSD, morning glory for opium and LSD and Krakom for opium/opiates.

    There is something to replace everything and some herbs do not have an equlivilant drug at all, such as Diviner's Sage (Salvia Divinorum - not an alkaloid, but a diterpine! A totally different type of drug!).

    The list goes on and on - it's better for your body and better for your mind and it provides a much cleaner and more personal high than modern drugs.

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