
I heard that it is possible to sleep while walking is that real ?

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Because if it is real it would be really cool




  1. Yes, it is possible.

    Sleep walking (somnambulism) refers to everything from sitting up in bed to getting up and performing detailed tasks. The sleeper does these things as though in a trance. It's relatively harmless provided the walker is protected from harmful situations like upper story windows, bunk beds and stairs.


        * Rising from the bed during sleep

        * Blank face. Stares into space

        * Unresponsive when spoken to

        * Difficult to awaken

        * No recall of the incident

        * May consist of sitting up making walking motions, actually walking, or even performing detailed tasks.


        * Again, as in nightmares, sleep talking, etc., stress can be a big factor.

        * Try relaxation techniques or meditation prior to bed time.

        * Avoid becoming over tired or fatigued.

        * Some drugs can cause episodes of sleep walking.

        * Avoid the use of alcohol.

        * If you sleep with someone, have them awaken you if you become restless.

        * If you sleep walk, make sure your surroundings are safe and obstacle free. Avoid sleeping upstairs or in an upper bunk.

  2. It's more like you can walk while you sleep... and yeah, it's possible, just ask my family, who witnessed my brother sleepwalk to the front door, unlock it, just so he could pee on the porch... Then he started walking towards the front yard, so, laughing hysterically, we guided him back to bed... To this day, he swears he can't remember doing that!

  3. I use to do it when I was younger.....its called sleep walking.  There are also people who sleep eat, drink, drive, talk, just about anything that they do awake, they can do asleep (although not safely in some instances!).

  4. Yeah, it is called "sleep walking"

  5. Erm...It's not really a mythical phenomenon. It's more of a thing you just do in your sleep.

    I talk in my sleep all the time- my sister says that every time she wakes up in like the middle of the night, I'm sleep talking. So it's not something you can control, and you definitely can't get yourself to do it unless you normally do it,  

  6. Its real. I recall reading an article in 17 magazine about a girl who could not stop eating when she was sleeping. Even after binge eating all night she would wake up hungry. Roommates got mad at her. She tried everything from locking herself in her room all night to locking up all the food.. still didn't work. Finally a lot of therapy, and a hypnotherapist helped her get back on the right track.  

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