
I heard that mars is visable from earth tonight is that true? Can i see it in Montreal Canada?

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I heard that mars is visable from earth tonight is that true? Can i see it in Montreal Canada?




  1. An e-mail claiming that the closest planet to Earth will appear visible to the naked eye tomorrow night is a hoax.

  2. I can see earth from mars


  3. Mars looks like a slightly reddish star with the naked eye!  

  4. The two planets will be separated by 34,646,418 miles (55,758,006 kilometers) at 5:51 a.m. ET (1051 GMT) on Aug. 27. Hubble, which orbits Earth, will take advantage of the proximity by snapping two pictures of Mars for release Wednesday. The first will be available on shortly after 6 a.m. ET (1100 GMT) that day. In fact, many people will not see Mars at 5:51 a.m. ET (1051 GMT) on Wednesday. It will have sunk nearly to the southwestern horizon for residents of eastern North America, and it will be broad daylight then in Europe and other parts of the world. Mars, though, is essentially the same brightness any night or early morning now through Sept. 2, and it will remain a delightful skywatcher's target into October.

  5. Mars has been visible every night from Montreal for more than a year. It would have been much brighter last December, but now it is difficult to spot in the west after sunset. Presumably you are referring to the hoax e-mail which says that Mars will appear as big as the Moon. This has never been the case and never will be. For a debunking of the e-mail, check this link:

  6. yep everyone will be able to see it tonight unless it is cloudy or to much street lights are on

  7. If you look to the west as it is getting dark you should see Venus and to its left Mercury and above them is Mars. If you turn round you may even see Jupiter.

  8. Mars is always visible from Earth, except when it is on the far side of the Sun. That's the situation right now: at present Mars is moving behind the Sun, and is very difficult to observe from the northern hemisphere. You're probably the victim of a hoax email which is currently circulating and which is about five years out of date.

  9. Nope

    click the above link if you see Earth and Mars are actualy quite far apart so I don't think there is much of a chance of seeing it.

  10. sounds like somebody else got sucked in by that stupid email. you really should know better.

    mars is visible, low in the west at dusk. you may need binoculars. it has been visible all year.

  11. ;O I am in London, I hope I can see it hear too but I am unsure, hope you find your answer.

    And the one above me doesnt understand that your asking for the destinations on Earth in which you can see it ;).

    Daniel x

  12. Mars in 2008

    There will be no close approach between Mars and Earth in August 2008, despite a variety of messages circulating on the internet to the contrary. Some of these messages might be well intentioned misinformation; others might be deliberate hoaxes. While we constantly encourage going out to observe and to admire the sky, we also want the public to be aware of incorrect information.

    Mars and Earth approach each other closely about every 26 months. These close approaches occur around a time of an event that astronomers call an opposition, which happens when Earth lies on a straight light between a planet (Mars, in this case) and the sun. We saw a superb close approach in August 2003, followed by close approaches in October 2005 and December 2007. The next close approach is thus not August 2008 but January 2010.

  13. Is   Montreal on the third planet from the sun?

  14. In 2003, on August 27th, Mars was a little closer to Earth than it usually gets.  The event is an opposition, where the Sun, the Earth and Mars are lined up.  Due to the orbit of Mars, when this happens in August or September, Mars happens to be closer.  Anyway, the email keeps getting changed and sent, but not with actual facts.

    Mars is currently on the other side of the Sun.  It might be visible just before sunset, but i've not seen it in months.

    The next Mars opposition is January 2010.  It won't be as close as 2003, but with a good telescope, you'll be able to see much the same stuff.

    Currently, Jupiter dominates the sky in the south.  Uranus and Neptune are more morning objects.

  15. if mars is visible.. everyone can see it.

  16. yes all u need is a pair of eyes or a telescope or easyier way would be google images

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