
I heard that people who work on cruise ships date each other,is this true ?

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One of my co-workers told me this.




  1. Yes.  We have talked to several crew members over the years who had on board romances going on as well as love matches in the varioius ports ..... even some who had husbands or wives at home (wherever that was)!  There is not much TIME to date other crew mates with the rigorous hours crew members work, however - frequently, for example, your dinner waiter is bussing tables at breakfast or serving drinks by the pool at lunch.  It happens, though.  Often enough that I don't think it is much of an exception even if it is not particularly common.  Were I crewing on a ship, I don't think I would want to date any of my crew mates.  Imagine how ugly it could get if you had a falling out.  You'd still be stuck seeing them every time you turned around for all the MONTHS you were at sea!  Yuck!

  2. Yes, it's true.  But you CANNOT date passengers.

  3. I find it hard to believe that it wouldn't be true.  Office romances happen all of the time.  I would think that they would happen more often on a ship where you are stuck with the same people 24 hours a day.

  4. My wife and I met while we were both working on ships.

  5. Yes it is !

    I worked on a Cruise Ship for Crown Cruise Lines and everyone "dates" their co-workers so to speak.

    Everyone develops a very close relationship with each other and very few date outside of the crew.

    It is a completely different lifestyle, there is no privacy at all, everyone knows everyone else's business.

    They all eat together, socialize together, and even shower together (girls and guys all share the same shower room)

    None of the crew staff, casino staff, or show staff were over the age of 30 (most were in their early 20s) and of those all but two were unmarried.

    Only the officers were older and often married.

    I was even able to switch my room assignment around so that my girlfriend and I shared the same room (2 crew members to each room).

    Not everyone can do that but I was on very good terms with the Second Officer.

  6. It is not recommended as it would  or could cause problems. Does it happen yes same as anywhere but, they attemp to keep it a secert.

  7. My cousin worked on a cruise ship and wound up marrying one of the other staff members her met on the ship. So, it seems yes.

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