
I heard that rejecting ur soul??

by  |  earlier

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i heard, that in order to become a vampire, you have to get rid of your soul to become immortal and undead. or, there's another theory, that you have to change your mind and way of thinking. mind over matter, to change yourself physically. are either of these possible?




  1. Not only are real vampires not immortal but they are born a vampire. You can't magically become one permanently.

  2. If you reject your soul you will die

  3. FFS, what a load of old cobblers!

  4. Rejecting your soul means you will never become immortal. Don't delve into things you cannot understand.


  6. Seriously? Just leave the subject, if you are happy with your life as it is, there is no point delving into all of this supernatural spirit, myth way of thinking. there is no proof of vampires existence. However Dracula did exist, the stories told about him are exaggerated, and dracula was not exactly a blood sucker in that sense.

    Rejecting your soul? Why would you do that? Can you do that? You soul is you, it influences your choices, your soul wouldn't want you to reject it would it? I'm getting confused myself now. lol. Don't try to become a vampire, it if interests you, then its fun to read up on, but thats as far as you should go.

    Good Luck :)

  7. vampire hollywood style, not real.

    vampyrism, not what your looking for but real.

  8. Hm.  I find myself a bit skeptical on this dude's (J.L.N. Lewitin)

    material.  I see no references or other indications of anything but "pop"

    style literary "hype" when I do a "google" on this guy.

    You probably would want to check with a university staff member...

    most likely from the "religion" or "folklore" departments.  Ask for

    (amongst whatever else you want to ask) "seminal texts" references

    on this foklore object (vampires and vampirism).

    And you might want to ask them if Lewitin has published anything in

    any (post-grad) journals...or if they've ever heard of him.

  9. Vampires are a myth.  There is no such thing as a vampire in the sense of Dracula or the Vampire Lestat if that is what you are trying to accomplish.  I wouldn't recommend rejecting your soul.  Your soul is what lives forever and what makes you you.

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