
I heard that some ppl in the secret service are....?

by Guest64682  |  earlier

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Part of the kkk and if obama wins the will help aassassinate him and they dont care about you think thats true??/ i hope not :(...i hope its just a just dont klnow nowadays..because we still got ppl like that in this country




  1. SS agents post are assigned by rank and yrs of service so the agents who handle obama are gs13+ agents who have been in service 15+yrs so it would difficult to be incult and not be exposed for that long.  they are also randomly polygraphed and investigated by internal task force.

  2. That is utterly ridiculous. It is more likely that Obama will place terrorists in positions of power based on his association with them and his lack of sophistication. He is the danger to my beloved America, not The Secret Service.

  3. There are too many Obama rumors to count, and I highly doubt that will happen.

    I also heard that when it hit year 2000, all computers would malfunction.

    Dont listen to everything you hear. Unless the television says it

    Than it must be true. :-D

  4. for all you know its possible, but don't trust rumors

    however, 1 out of four presidents have been assassinated, died in office, resigned, or been impeached.

    thats 25%

  5. I don't think the government releases the identities of people in the secret service, so no one knows who they are in their personal lives.

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