
I heard that the Russian language can make all the English sounds except 'J', is this true?

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Does this mean That Jesus is Esus or Useus?




  1. I don't believe so. The equivalent for the J sound in Russian is дж

    As you can see in my name ''джунюр''... the first two letters would correspond to the J of 'Junior'

    дж >> would be J

    у >>  U

    н >>  N

    ю >> IO

    р >>  R

  2. There is no J in Russian.  The IPA transcription of the sound for the English letter J is /dʒ/ (as in the J in judge).  It is an affricate.  Interestingly, the IPA transcription for the voiced palatal approximate is /j/ (as in the Y in 'yes').  Most languages you'll come across have /ʒ/ (as in the S in 'measure') and not /dʒ/.

    Jesus in Russian is spelled Иисус and would be pronounced as /ʲiisus/ or roughly in English transcription as 'Yeezooz'.

    It may interest you to know that the English pronunciation of 'Jesus' would also have an initial vowel (or approximate) if not for the fact that English developed /j/ sounds into /dʒ/ sounds.

  3. I suppose Russians pronounce it "Yezoos"

  4. The Russian for "Jesus" in "Иисус" - [Yi-sooss]. This is much closer to the original Greek name "Ιησους" [Yisous or Yesous] used in the New Testament: the name had no J sound either in Greek or Jesus' own language, Aramaic.

    There are quite a lotof English sounds that do not exist in Russian; the sound of "th" as is "that" and "thick", and the sound of "h", are the most obvious examples; it is true that there is no single letter represesenting the sound of English "J" in Russian, but it is easy for Russians to pronounce and write using the combination "Дж"

  5. It's kind of like German, we don't pronounce our j's. You would say Januar (January) like "Yanuar". The letters i, y and j in the Russian language are pronounced with a "short ee".. like the y in "boy".

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