
I heard that turning your computer on and off daily when not in use saves energy but?

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turning it on and off all day is bad for the computer also. Which one is worse? I would rather save my computer




  1. Turning the computer on and off all day is not bad for the computer at all.

    There is virtually no additional wear-and-tear when turning the computer on and off. Your computer is not a car. Computer parts will not wear out due to excessive starting and stopping.

    Remember, your computer is still an electronic device. Turning other electronics — your TV for example — on and off repeatedly will not harm it at all; your computer is no different.

  2. That's the same with me,

    I leave my computer on 24/7,

    But I turn off the screen,

    Once every week turn it off for about an hour,

    Then start using it, it helps

  3. If you won't be using it for more than 1 hr I would turn it off.

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