
I heard the Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremonies fireworks were fake...? Explanation?

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Yeah, so I don't really get it...Can anyone explain it? How can they "fake" fireworks??





  1. I think I heard that the fireworks were pre taped, but were real.

    There was a no fly zone near the arena so they wouldn't have been able to get the overhead shots live.

  2. It was "choreographed".  Whatever it takes to get it "perfect". ;)

  3. I also heard the rumours from my friends in school.

    The China government has spent billions of money to construct a stadium and put up a high quality performance, and i see no reasons why they had to put up a "fake" fireworks?? The "fake" fireworks might be a false accusation from the British side, as the comment was written in one of the British newspaper.

    It is not always the China's fault, probably this rumour is one of the propaganda originated from western side to destroy China's image? Who knows? So the best solution to this problem is not to make any assumptions before this rumour is verified.

    The only flaw during the show was the "fake" girl who "supposedly" sang the "pre-recorded" national anthem and Olympic song, which the songs were sang by another girl behind the scene.

    It was so disappointing, and their reason for doing this was because the "fake" singer looks better and vibrant.... I am so disappointed of a typicla communist government where they stress everything must be perfect...    

  4. No. The fireworks were real. The only thing I think China has faked so far are the passports for those female gymnasts. I'm from Beijing and I've never met any 16 year olds... or 15 year olds for that matter that looked as young as Deng or some of the other girls.

    this is also interesting:

  5. Man, I do feel bad for the Chinese, it seems that the world is trying to make them look bad.  First, the human rights issue, then the fireworks, then the gymnasts...what's next?  Just leave them alone!

  6. They said they couldn't have too many fireworks because it was a danger to something. But it was computer generated, hard to believe.

  7. heres the real answer.. on the day of opening ceremony fireworks were there.. but what you saw on TV was different as in person. the explanation for that was apparently on the day it was very cloudy and there wouldnt have been a point of having the really "high" fireworks. so instead of having the really BIG ones they just paid 894 billion for broadcasting rights to broadcast fake footage.

    - but then again.. why have fake footage..

    Fake Fireworks. explained--

    in Beijing. -- there was fireworks. but what u saw in Beijing wouldnt have been what u saw on TV

    in Rest of The WORLD -- AMAZING fireworks put together from computer generation, a fake "shake" to seem live from helicopter, and also other fireworks footage.

    hope this helps  

  8. see, you don't have to listen to people or anyone. China as a country is creative and they cant go to an extent of faking fireworks

  9. well on a radio station I was listening to, they said that most of the fireworks we saw on TV were generated digitally or prerecorded to only show on TV, which would make them "fake".  What we saw on TV was not actually what was happening in Beijing.  There were less fireworks.  I'm not really sure of the reasons, but I'm sure that there was a good reason...

  10. lasers with sounds

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