
I heard the goverment are trying to get people of sick nes benifit how will they do this?

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i have a doctors letter but apparently they will get there own doctors to do the tests what is the best way around this




  1. They'll just review all those on long term sickness benefit. Some will be found to be capable of working and will have their benefit stopped if they refuse to apply for jobs.

  2. If you are really too sick to work it shouldn't be a problem. It's just a soundbite for the press imo.

  3. Don't worry, it will never happen.

  4. They're switching from what you can't do (walk, see, etc.) to what you CAN do (answer phones, type in braille, etc.).

    It won't work.

  5. Its just PR.   It happens every couple of years.   Nothing will actually happen.   They do it to reassure the hard working tax payers that  they are doing something about the social security scroungers.   But its only talk.   Nothing happens.   You can rest easy.

  6. To get a job is the best way.

  7. it is to get the layabouts who convince the doctor they are unable to work..when they are fit enough to play football in the street with the kids..and to cut hedging on a Sunday..or to even go jogging ..all day their spouses are telling and yelling at them to do something with their lives ..and they say if i work i lose my benefits..which i need to buy the drinks i have at night outside the house with all the other layabouts. and to buy loud hi-fi's with the latest discs,and to keep the phone topped up that's attached to the ears listening to the latest pirate download....not for the truly sick and infirm people that are incapable of working normally ..and have to rely on the benefit system..

  8. governments have been saying this one for years. that and we are going to make people work who have been unemployed for years. didn't happen then and it won't happen now. far to many so called enlightened people in the UK now.

  9. Well at the moment, everyone on Incapacity Benefit/Income Support for incapacity reasons has to have a yearly medical assessment with a DWP doctor, irrespective of whether they have their own doctor's sick note.

    I work for the department which does these medical assessments and people are always trying to argue that they shouldn't have to go for one "Oh but I've got a doctor's note!" they say.  Doesn't matter.  You still have to have a medical assessment every 6 months - 1 year with a DWP employed doctor whilst you are claiming.

    The system has changed slightly, in the past they used to assess people much more infrequently and certain people would be exempt from being assessed.  They've done away with all that and now everyone is expected to attend a yearly medical assessment.

    As for "how to get around this" - well just go to your assessment and tell the truth!  The assessment isn't so much of a physical examination - its more like a Q&A session with the doctor who will ask you Q's about how your condition affects your everyday life - he/she might ask you to perform some basic tasks like bending down etc if you are on the sick for mobility problems.

    The Government aren't trying to force genuinely sick people to work, they are trying to stop people claiming Incapacity Benefit when they don't really need it.  This is the only country on earth where the Government pay you for being depressed, being an alcoholic, being a drug addict etc.  In any other country you'd starve!  As insider says they are going to switch focus from what you can't do to what you can do - a bad back might mean you can't work on building sites anymore but you could work in an office.

    As for whether it will "work" - too early to tell.

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