
I heard today that the troops should be out of Iraq by New years.?

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Has anyone else hear this? My brother in law is a U.S. Marine, defending the Iraqi's, and helping our country. He has been to Iraq once, and is going for the second time in October. I definitely have mixed feelings on this, mainly because of how grateful the citizens are for the Americans. Where my bro was stationed last, the community made our soldiers feasts every Sunday and would run up and hug and kiss them. But if the Iraqi Government wants us out, then I suppose we have to. So has anyone else heard about this, if so, what?




  1. Ain't gonna happen. No matter who is elected president, both have plans for a contingent force in Iraq for several years.

    The good news is, the Commandant (head honcho) of the Marine Corps, James T. Conway, has been saying the Marines don't belong in Iraq since he became Commandant. He made a speech to Marines in Okinawa which was highlighted in the Sept. edition of Leatherneck Magazine. He is still pretty adamant that the Marines shouldn't be in Iraq.

    You might take into account that the main presence of Marines was in al Anbar province. Over the past couple of years, they have been able to get the assistance of locals and, more importantly, mullahs and other tribal heads. The Sunnis in al Anbar decided that the cost of the insurgency was too great for them and have turned to support the Marines. We just turned control of al Anbar over to the Sunnis.

    The major Marine areas have had great success, long before the surge. The surge was patterned after their success. Leatherneck Magazine highllighted the visiting Army dignitaries and noted their visits focused on how the Marines were successful. One thing Marines are taught to do is work with the locals. That's one of the big differences between Army and Marine.

    The Marines should be pulling out of Iraq but, they will be going to Afghanistan. That doesn't mean all Marines will go there. An adage we had in the 1960's still holds true today, most Marines, sooner or later, will go to Okinawa.

  2. According to an agreement just announced by the Bush and Talabani/Maliki governments, we will be out by the end of 2011.  They were pushing for 2010 and Bush wanted an open ended withdrawal date to be negotiated later.  They gave him an extra year but he had no option but to accept their demands as it would be an act of war to do otherwise.

    It certainly beats the h**l out of McCain's 100 year commitment though!

  3. I haven't heard that as of yet. My husband just left AGAIN last week...I really don't think it's possible...There's a lot more to it than just saying it. Iraq has to be well on it's way to defend and support themselves. But on another hand if that happens that would just be Iraq...we aren't done by any means.

  4. I haven't heard anything about this. Chances are we wouldn't even start to pull out till November anyways, and we wouldn't be able to get everyone out by New Years anyways. Go McCain.  

  5. Its a wishfull thinking dear.  Bush or Obama.. no one can leave Iraq on its own else how will u guys control OIL.

  6. It would be nice, but not possible.

  7. Bush is cutting troops in Iraq ONLY.  The current plan, in coordination with the Iraqi government, has US troops out between 2011 and 2012.

  8. There has already been a draw down in troops, those troops were part of the surge.  The other troops may begin drawing down as early as next summer, but we won't be out of the country fully for about two more years.  Also this is partly due to the coordination of how to move the military supplies (ie. vehicles, aircraft, etc.) because that takes forever!  

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