
I heard you can get government $ for tuition after age 24-25?

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What kind of grant is that? How old do you have to be? My ex told me he waited until age 26 to go back to school so that his parents' income would not be calculated as his own. I'd appreciate any info, thanks!




  1. there is definintely truth to that.  i went to University when i was about 23 and got a boat load of money.  I didn't have to pay a penny for tuition or books, just housing.  i think there are many variables that go into how much you would get.  I went to a pretty inexpensive school though, it was about 2-4 grand a semester, i don't remember, it was a like 5 years ago

  2. yes, it's a pell grant based on income.  

    Like the answerer below me, I was also 23 when I got my it may be more an issue of adult independence/living on your own etc than age.

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