
I helped an ex buy a truck. He's making late payments and I end up having to pay them to salvage my credit

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If I have to make the payments too and am incurring credit damage because of him, shouldn't I sue for the vehicle? He won't pay me back what I have paid on it and he uses the vehicle. I think it's more ten 3000 dollars so which court would I sue in?




  1. Sure, sue the bum.

  2. Better see Judge Judy.

  3. -did you co-sign for the truck

    -is the truck in your name

    if yeas than i believe you can go to the police and have them keep the peace while you go and take whats yours

    good luck

  4. Go to small claims court for the maximum, and in the complaint state you are owed much more, but are only suing for the max allowed by law in your state.

    Talk to the finance company. If you are a co-signer, you have options. If you bought it outright, or if you bought it jointly, (using your good credit) you have rights. If you bought it in only your name, have the local police help you recover your property.

    You call him an "ex". In what way? Are you legally divorced from a legal union? Did you live as cohabitants (shack up)?

    Does your state recognize common-law marriage? Is your state a community property state?

  5. find small claims court in ur area

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