
I herd a rumore about when women can and cant get pregnant is it true?

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What i herd is a woman can only get pregnant a few days before her period is this true and if not is there really a time in the cycle a woman cant get pregnant?




  1. A Woman can only get pregnant around the ovulation...HOWEVER it is a common myth that this occurs at the furthest point from menstruation...ovulation can occur at any time during the cycle - it's a lunar thing - a woman will ovulate at the same interval every month, no matter where the period comes...Whilst a woman's period can be late or early, ovulation is always's for this reason you DO hear of women who use the rhythm method and still get pregnant - even when they only had unprotected s*x during their actual period!!!!

  2. This is called the Rhythm Method of birth control, but it is not 100% effective. More info is at the site below.

  3. Ya its called natural family planning

  4. On an average 28-day cycle, the woman is most fertile on or about day 14 (about the time of the LH spike and consequent release of the oocyte).  That is to say, peri-menstrually, the chances of conception or implanation, for that matter,  are relatively small as the endometrial lining is shedding.

    NB:  There is significant fluctuation in cycles amongst women, and using this method (by itself)  for birth control is not highly efficacious, statistically.

  5. the best time to get pregnant is when the woman is ovulating 7-10 days after her period.  any OTHER time would be o-k. I learned this the hard way i have 4 kids trust me use protection! there are other things besides condoms..

  6. A woman can get pregnant at any time.  However it is more likely when she is ovulating.  This varies from woman to woman, but is typically about two weeks before her period.

  7. Safe s*x and hopefully you won't have to find out!

  8. yes this is mostly true for older women and some younger women... But my joke is act like you don't want a baby and you'll get pregnant fast

  9. A woman can get pregnant anytime, but there is a better chance is it is right before her period.

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