
I hide the food my mother gives me because she wants to feed me a lot ,and i eat but every 12 hours or so ,?

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something i like like light popcorn.or small bar of chocolate or some sweets

i like sweets and love sugar stuff

i drink diet sodas and sometimes i eat steamed veggies

everyone say i look s**y but i feel weak my hair looks so bad

my mother want to take me to dietion or Gp and i m shitting from fear i already hate doctors and i know i would be in trouble with them all

speically with my mother ,




  1. Don't know how old you are,but if everyone says you look s**y the you should be old enough to eat what you want. Talk to your mum and explain how you feel physically and mentally.

    Good Luck.

  2. You'll be dead soon if you carry on.  

  3. um sounds like your mom have justified suspicions that you have anorexia, in which case hon you are doing permanent damage to your body that you will so regret when you grow older, because now is the time for you to strengthen your bonebuild and body against the wear and tear of a lifetime

    the body go upwards towards 25 years and after that its only going one high a level you have it at then in combination of how well you work to maintain it will determind your health as it deteriorate

    so you really need to stop and listen to your mom, she only wants what is best for you, and if she didnt do this now then i can gurantie you you would resent her in a few years when you had your own wake up call, she is corect in forsing this wake up call on you before you hit rock botom, because its dangerous to hit that botom, the earlier you wake up the easier its for you to return

    so please stop hiding food, and start eating

    you should be eating 4 meals a day, and its not healthy to eat to close to bedtime, so not after 7 or 8 in the evening.

    So about

    7/8 am you should have your breakfast of a couple slices of bread, and then i aint talking about the US loaf they sell in the stores, i am talking about home made full grain bread. With something healthy like cheese, liverpaste, ham or something thats nutrition ritch, feel free to put cucumber slices, papica, tomato or something on top of it to add some green to the protein. remember to drink milk.

    around noon you should have lunch, another slice of bread or two and some fruit.

    4/5 pm you have dinner, not pizza or junk food, but proper homecooked full meal, a normal portion should be about 2/3 potatoes depending your size and the size of the potatoes, some vegetables and 2/3 meatcakes or some such (just to give you an idea of the size of meal you should do)

    7/8 pm you eat evening meal with a couple slices of bread again.

  4. How nice to see that you're apparently attracted some "pro-ana" nut job to pop in and give a thumbs-down to everyone talking sense.

    Who is the "everyone" who says you look s**y? Other little anorexic or bulemic pals? Have you been using a webcam and visiting pro-anorexic websites where all the mentally ill people tell each other how good they look as they slowly die?

    It's your funeral. I really could not care less about the world being less one stupid, self-obsessed, self-pitying  teen. It's evolution in action. But I do feel sorry for your mother.

    She's trying to help you out while also trusting you and you're basically crapping on her (figuratively, of course, you're not eating enough to do the real thing more than once a week, are you?).

    Good job. Enjoy your death. Pity you'll be so emaciated that you won't even make a pretty corpse.

  5. Where is the question here?  With the tone of the above statement, you obviously know what you are doing wrong with your eating habits.  So do it. Stop making yourself sick and worrying the h**l out of your mother.  

  6. You may be eating sweets and vegetables but that doesn't contain all the different stuff your body needs to function.

    Your body needs food to work, that's why you feel weak. Your hair is bad from the lack of vitamins and minerals. Vitamins also help your skin to look nice.

    If your worried about your size, all you need to do is eat properly, and not too many carbs and sugar, and you won't put any weight on.

  7. You only eat every 12 hours.. and you only eat sugary snacks?

    Your mother doesnt want to 'feed you alot' she doesnt want you to fall ill. Your hair looks bad because of all the sugar & junk you eat your scalp is producing more oils than needed and you feel weak because youre not eating what you should be.

    Your mum has the right mind to take you to the GP.

  8. You need to eat more than every 12 hours.  You should have at least 3 meals a day...with a variety of foods.  Meats, vegs, dairy etc.  If you were eating properly you wouldn't feel weak and you'd have a healthier head of hair.  You mom won't be angry, just worried.  Same with the doctors.  You should go, it will help.  You'll feel better after getting a proper diet into your system.  Not only will you feel better physically, but mentally as well.  

  9. It would be good for you to go to a dietitian, you could tell them you are afraid of gaining weight and they can tell you the right things to eat to maintain a healthy size and weight, your mother may get mad when she finds out how you really eat but that is your parents job to keep you from doing things that are harm full. Being skinny and s**y is great but you have to be healthy to or you will get sick and wont be able to show off your sexiness. You sound young which means you have your whole life to look forward to so do whats best for you! Good Luck!

  10. you might have some type eating disorger you should see a doctor or somebody they can help ifyou want help i really hope you do

    you eat every 12 hours i'd kill to do that b/c i always feel fat

  11. First of all, if you're worried about gaining weight, you're doing some stuff majorly wrong here. You'll gain less weight if you eat three healthy meals a day than if you just snack on junk food! And, believe it or not, the sweetener used in most diet sodas has been linked to increased weight, so that's not the best option either.

    Go to a nutritionist or something with your mother. Perhaps your mother is trying to feed you too much, but more likely you've got some sort of eating disorder. I don't think you'll get in trouble, because if your mom is anything like a normal mom she's just worried about you and wants to make sure that you're OK. So, go, cause if you're worried about your weight, the doctor can suggest a healthy diet for you, and both you and your mom will be happier - you because you'll be feeling better and your hair will be nicer and you won't have to worry about your weight, and your mom because she won't have to worry about having an eating disorder or anything.

  12. so you eat every 12 hours dude thats not good you have to have like 2000 calories  day

  13. maybe a dietician can help you maintain your weight in a more healthy manner than only eating every 12 hours. She can give you tips on what types of food to eat and to eat smaller portions more often. It might be worth it to make both you and your mom feel better.

  14. ...

    you need to be eating more than just every 12 hours hon.

    you're technically supposed to eat every 4 hours or so. im not talking about a full course thanksgiving meal. i just mean, like, a sandwhich or something.

    i think she's just concerned about you. and you feel weak and your hair isn't healthy, cause you're eating unhealthy. too much sugar weakens the body. you may feel a sugar rush for about an hour, but then comes the sugar crash.

    if you don't want to go to a doctor, i'd say start eating healthier. drink more water, eat more healthy foods. i promise, you'll start to feel tons better.

  15. ok

  16. so you know your not eating and looking after your self right, why ??

    what the h**l are you playing at ??

    don't you know people can die from what your doing.

    what is it ?? is it a cry for help attention seeking what is your problem ??


  18. you're going to have to seek some type of medical help sooner or later if you keep doing the things you are doing now

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