
I hit a car in a parking lot and left. is that a hit and run?

by  |  earlier

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I was pulling into a parking spot and barely tapped another cars bumper and the guy was in to the car. i backed up and he looked out the window at me and i didn't know what to do. there was no damage to either car. I waited there to see if he was going to get out or something and he didn't so i just slowly left. Is that like a hit and run or something. he didn't do anything and i'm really worried cuz im a new driver. i also live in california. plz help. do you think i should tell my parents about it? thx




  1. West of the Atlantic it's a hit and run. In the UK it's not

  2. YAH!!! dduuhhh. lol. jk it is a hit n run and you better report it fast or else the guy will report you and then youll get in LOTS of truble!

  3. Well technically you drove away right?  So no.

  4. It's a hit and run alright. My cousin did this exact same thing once (except the other guy wasn't in the car). If you fess up, and if there really wasn't any damage, the owner of the other car might decide to not press charges. Hopefully all will go well.

  5. yes, and tell your parents because the person could've gotten your license plate. it's better they know ahead of time.

  6. You should have got out and apologized. It is  a hit and run, no matter how slow you drove away.

  7. Yes, it's a hit and run.

    Tell your parents about it, and report it immediately to law enforcement.

    They'll go a lot easier on you if you report it of your own free will, versus them having to track you down and charge you with a crime.

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