
I hit a car today and Im not sure what to do?

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Okay so i was on my way to pick my sister up from swim practice today, and i backed into my neighbors parked car. There is a massive dent in their door but i dont know if im the one that did that. Because i wasn't going above 5mph backing out. I drove off, without looking at the damage. When i came back i realized the huge dent. There have been people outside inspecing the car all day and calling insurance and what not. Should i say anything? will their insurance cover it if i dont?




  1. I'd advise you: Don't say anything. If their car insurance covers it, then there is nothing to worry about (such a damage like a dent should be covered, I guess). If they, however, don't get the money back, then you'll be free to say that it was probably your fault

  2. If the owners of the damaged car call the police and paint chips or damage is assessed and matched to your car, you will be in serious trouble for leaving the scene of an accident, not reporting an accident, and not being truthful about the incident.  You can't just assume that because you were going 5 mph that it did no damage.  A car is a heavy thing, and a door isn't all that strong to withstand the car backing into it.

  3. Of course you should tell them!  What kind of person are you?

  4. You should say something.  If they figure out it was you, you could be in a ton of trouble.  If the dent was already there, hopefully the neighbor will return your favor of honesty and be honest about that.  If you don't have insurance, get it immediately so next time you are ok.  If you do, then you have no reason not to fess up, that's what insurance is for.  If you don't say anything, their insurance will not cover it.  Even if they have the kind of insurance that covers for other drivers who don't have it, if no one comes forward then the insurance company won't cover it, that happened to a friend of mine.  Bottom line--be an good, honest person.  It might be tough but it's the right thing to do.

  5. You should probably do the responsible thing and tell them you may have did it and apologies. Your insurance should cover the damage. The problem is, if the place has cameras, the cops will review the footage and you would then be in serious trouble because at that point it's considered a hit and run, which is an arrestable offense...

  6. You should call your neighbor and tell them the truth, your insurance will cover it. Someone may have seen you do it and if you don't tell your neighbor now they may call the cops on you then you will get in trouble for leaving the scene of an accident.

  7. are u rich guy ? if yes, just tell them what u have done. OR just keep as your life secret.

  8. you need to tell them as soon as possible because they're gonna figure out it was you because of paint swapping.  if they look real close they will see the paint and they're probably gonna be really angry.  go out there right now and tell them what happened and fake some tears if you have to.  say something like, my parents were just talking the other day about taking my license away.  tell them you felt a bump when you backed up and you were in a hurry to pick up your sister and when you got back you thought that maybe you didn't do it.  BUT you need to get out there right now and say something.  it probably won't even be a big deal...but you if wait it's gonna be a huge deal.

  9. the right thing would be to tell them.. it really wouldnt be a big deal but i guess i would probably keep my mouth shut about it. just hope there isnt like.. a paint mark and they notice its the same color as your car.

  10. You probably should've said something. Have you looked at your back bumper to make sure you didn't leave any marks?  You're probably the first they'll suspect anyway.

    If it were me, I would say something.

  11. just pretend you don't know anything about it -.-'

  12. do the right thing.tell them that u accidently did it and call ur insurance and let them pay it and you'll be happy and what god tells u to do.

  13. my sster has a frend and she crashed two tmes  funny rght shes at her moms noww

  14. I would call the police department and then your car insurance company.

    You won't be arrested.

  15. As much as i know,this is a question with different answers,it is really depend on yourself judgement,some great resource her for reference though.

  16. 1. I feel sorry for you! 2. The insurance WILL cover it as a "hit and run"! 3. Do you have a heart? IF so, please do the right thing and tell you neighbor. They might be understanding and that will give you a better sense of what you HAVE to do!

  17. You have to own up to your mistakes that is being a person of character and integrity.  Don't try to lie or cover anything up.  One can feel if they hit something just because you chose to ignore it doesn't mean that it didn't happen.   Explain to the neighbor that you made a terrible mistake and you wish to apologize for not reporting it earlier.  Then let them know that you wish to make this right and ask him what can be done.

  18. Are you seriously asking this?  What kind of scum are you?!  Its not YOUR choice whether or not you tell them you caused this- its the law.

    Your insurance will determine if you caused the large amount of damage- thats not for you to decide.

    If you dont notify authorities and your neighbors right away you  are looking at much larger problems then a small amount of damage (that HELLO! your insurance will cover free of charge- thats what you have it for)

    You can look forward to a criminal history for a hit and run accident and a police officer showing up at your door.  All it takes is one witness or one person who sees the corresponding damage on both of your cars.

    I sware, the nerve of people.  Its amazing how low morality people have.  Do you have children? A family?  How on earth would you feel if someone did this to them?

    Go tell your neighbors NOW- give them your insurance information and be a good person before its too late and your in a helluva lot of trouble.

  19. Yes, it's best to say something. Your neighbor will be glad you came forward and you might be a little relieved when you find out more. Don't just assume that they're covered. Wouldn't you want them to do the same for you? I just hope it works out for the good of both of you.

  20. Everyone's gonna tell you to do what's right. I'm gonna tell you want to do if you want to avoid trouble.

    Is their a mark on your car? No, then say nothing and live with the guilt.

    If there is, try and get rid of it, otherwise fess up. Now it looks like hit and run - never good.

  21. Seriously,  It would be nice if people got back 10 fold of what they gave.   If you think it's ok to not do anything because their insurance MIGHT (if they don't have collision then their insurance will not pay for the damage) pay for it  (and then of course their insurance WILL go up),  then you lost your right ot complain about any crime that ever happens to you or a loved one.   Contact your neighbor.  Tell them 'Did your car recently suffer damage while parked'.  when they say yes, respond ' I am so sorry, I think it might have been me.  I honestly didn't think i hit you becuase i didn't see any damage on my car and i honestly thought that damage was already there.  Let me get my insurance information so we can take care of this right away.'   Some people do the right thing right away, others are less mature and sometimes make the wrong decision, but do what they can to make things right, and then there are those who are basically responsible for a lot of the problems in the world today.  The fact that you are asking this question leads one to hope you are part of the second group, trying to become part of the first.

  22. I can't tell your age by your message, but I'm assuming you're young. Please tell your parents, or some other older family member about this. If you're an adult, I'd talk to your neighbor and tell them exactly what happened. Otherwise, you may be in for some legal trouble.

    Some modern cars have plastic or vinyl skins on their doors, so the damage may look worse than it is, but there's no way to know that for sure. And 5mph can do a lot of damage. The honest thing to do is to "fess up".

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