
I hit a dog driving last night...?

by  |  earlier

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Last night on my way home from work I hit a dog. I tried to brake and even swerved into the next lane, but I was unable to avoid it. I I almost got rear-ended in the process and nearly lost control over my vehicle swerving. I wanted to stop but it was on a dark, busy part of the highway with high speed traffic, not to mention on a bend. I feel terrible, there is no way it could have survived as I was going about 70 mph. Should I have gone back to find it?




  1. I blame the owner of the dog ... it's too bad people let their animals out to run in the dark especially near the highway . Going back could have gotten you killed .  You did the right thing ...

  2. ...I love the "go back" responses.

    Go back and do what?  Get killed yourself? Risk the lives of

    other motorists?

    I have 500K miles of driving and have hit lots of animals.

    The best thing is to not cause another accident.

    Unless it's 100% safe to do so, keep going.

    I never endanger myself or other (human) drivers on the road to avoid hitting another animal.  If it's safe to do so, then fine...I'll make an effort.

    Call animal services or local police if it happens.  If it's late at night, I'm not sure who is going to come out and risk their lives too

  3. I doubt you were going 70. If you hit a dog going that fast your bumper would have obliterated. Anyways no point in going back for it. Sucks that you hit the doggy though. People really need to keep their animals tied up.

  4. no...imagine if you went back and got hit by another vehicle what would have happened to your family for a dog you would have lost your life i too hit a dog once and beleive me i know

  5. The dogs chances would be 50/50 and yes you should have gone back......

  6. Of course you should've gone back--you know this and that's why you felt you needed to at the time and are questioning it now. You literally left it behind you, and you need to do it figuratively now too...your well-being is important too and it isn't right to live in guilt. Just be as careful as possible in the future and if it happens again trust your gut instinct of what to do--it may be possible to take the animal to a vet where if they can't help it they can let it die comfortably.

  7. You should have at least called animal services and told them you hit an animal in the road. They would've gone out to either help the badly injured animal or pick up the remains.

  8. haha na dont worry i hit a dog the other night

  9. No point in worrying about it now. I'm sorry that happened to you.  That must have been awful.  I am a dog lover myself, and cannot imagine.  Of course, accidents happen, and the owner of the dog is responsible, not you.  The dog probably did not live, and possibly someone who saw the accident stopped to see about the dog.  The owners should be out looking for the dog as well.  There is really nothing you could have done.  Let's hope God was merciful, and the dog did not suffer.

  10. shitt happens.  don't fret over it, man.

    theres nothing you could've done. its the owners fault if anyones for not containing it. also... if you wouldn't have hit it.. i bet you someone else would have it it and probably caused a bad accident. so, maybe you... by hitting it. saved someones life.  

    hmm? deep thinking. everything happens for a reason.

    have a nice day.

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