
I hit a parked car in NY & left. Both mine & other person's car were damaged. ?

by  |  earlier

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next day when I filed claim with ins company I told ins. co. someone hit my car in parking lot of a dept. store when i was inside. A week later ins. company called me saying they have a witness who has seen the car getting in accident and i would be in trouble if i dont tell the truth. I said i will call back and hung what do i do




  1. Step up to the plate and take responsibility. If you persist in telling your insurer your untrue story, you may be turned over to prosecutors for insurance fraud. This is a serious matter with equally serious possible repercussions. Even if you are not under the gun, so to speak, by law enforcement, insurance companies take a dim view of clients who are not truthful. This can affect your ability to get renewed or get insurance from other carriers long into the future. Make the smart choice now!

  2. what did you expect!   fess up.   it is a case of you never know who is watching.   personally i don't think it was a very nice thing to do - how would you like it if the situation had been reversed.    i agree with a previous answer that an insurance company may not believe you in the future and quite frankly why should they.   i always taught my kids they would suffer less from the truth than a lie - hence they have grown into well respected adults and i am proud of them.    i hope you follow this advice and learn from the experience.

  3. i thing you are screwed,  might as well confess and take the punishment,  other than that you will get a hit and run

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