
I hit a speed bump in potty training. need some advice?

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I started potty training my daughter at age 2. I work 3rd shift and my husband works 1st. We can't afford daycare so I stay at home during the day with her. She just started going potty on her own a couple of months ago but you still had to ask "Do you have to go potty?" She does excellent when she is not home. She will go potty when she needs to or she will tell you she has to go potty when we are at the store but the minute we are home, she gets stubburn and doesn't go to the potty on her own again. She will go around with wet pants until I tell her to go potty and change. I have tried the reward program, showered her with praise, and then I tried the time-out. What seems to be the difference between using the potty at home or some place else? Do I need to change our bathroom to make it look different to get her to use the potty regularly at home? I don't get it, is this normal in some cases? It don't matter if she is in Cool Alert Pull-ups or regular "big girl" panties, she treats them both the same. I want her to start school this year but without COMPLETELY potty trained. People say it is really easy but my daughter doesn't seem to be the average child. She is really smart but yet bull headed in the subject of using the potty.




  1. She obviously know how to use the potty, so that's good.  I would put her in underwear only and no pull-ups (to me it seems confusing for kids since it looks and feels like a diaper).  Anyway, when she has an accident she needs to clean up the mess by herself with you directing her ("put your dirty undies in the wash", "clean your mess up with paper towels," etc.).  Then what I did with my kids is I took them back to where they had an accident and make them practice going potty.  I make them go through the motions: running to the bathroom, pulling down pants and undies, sitting on the toilet, and pulling pants and undies back up and I do this ten times.  It's a pain but they finally got the message.  Your daughter needs to know that her "accidents" are not acceptable at home.  Oh, and make sure you do this with a positive attitude but be firm.  Good luck!

  2. When you are out does she use a toddlers plastic potty/pan or potty seat? Or does she use a proper flush toilet? It probably has nothing to do with it, but if she does then maybe you could get rid of the little plastic potty, she might have a thing against using it. Anyway just relax, stop using the pull-ups as they are too much like diapers. You said that you send her to change and I think it's great that young children learn to dress themselves but it should be enjoyable. Pulling off wet panties is no fun, it takes a long time and gives her little brain time to think about it. When you see she is wet quickly take off the wet panties and say lets put these nice dry panties on you, then don't mention it again.

    My daughter is 2 years and 4 months and isn't even showing any signs of being ready yet so don't sweat it. She's only 21/2 and it sounds like she is doing well.

  3. Here is a cool video that kind of uses the "everybodys doing it" technique. It might work for your daughter too!

  4. its a little odd that she goes everywhere but home. i believe its because she wants to look like a big girl around other people, but at home theres no need. go ahead and put her in school, i doubt that she will wet herself at school.

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