
I hit and punch my boyfriend but...?

by  |  earlier

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My boyfriends very built and im small when i get mad and frustrated with him I punch him and slap him around he says im abusive, but how could i be abusive when i prolly dont even hurt him!? I think he just trys to make me feel bad! he just needs to understand who wears the pants in our relationship and sometimes yelling doesnt get through his head! am i being physco or is it okay to keep doing this if it doesnt hurt him &helps things get through to him ?

ps: im not a crazy ***** , this is just when we are fighting!!




  1.  i just f*****g decked my boyfriend in the face five minutes ago cause he was yet again making me feel like im a r****d and we have been fighting for over 2 months and im not happy what so ever and he doesnt really care to communicate. he never really communicates well with anyone in his whole life. his family is s**t and he never talks to them either. i feel like im suffocating but i love him when he is nice to me not when he is this psycho a*****e that wants to make me feel like a dumbass 24/7

  2. stupid stupid little girl

  3. It only takes one phone call to the police and you can be arrested for not only hitting but shoving and pushing as well. You can spend about a year in jail for it. It is called domestic violence.

    I called to police on my boyfriend one time, not because he hit me, but because he was pushing me around, kicking down doors and destroying our property, and grabbing my on my arm so hard it left a bruise.

    He was arrested and could've done up to 1 yr in jail if the charges weren't dropped. And even if you don't press charges, the POLICE can. And even if the police "drop" the charges they still have a year to re-open the case.

    So just think about that when you feel like hitting you boyfriend, or anyone, for that matter. If you're upset and angry, walk away and cool down, then come back and talk calmly.

  4. I also did that already I punched and slapped him because of anger, because he was hurting me(emotionally) and saying things that hurts me just much. I felt guilty as well. I didn't mean it, i just got used to doing it whenever I'm in a fight with my siblings(but with my siblings, after less than an hour, were fine)

    With him, I felt like I was way too bad. He got mad but he has forgives me. He told me I shouldn't do that again and I said I'll try my best. Sometimes, when were on a really huge fight, I tend to do it again, but I control myself. When we sort things out, he understands and just gives me chance and sometimes he shows disappointment, but he never treated me bad because of that. He never hurt me physically. Now I already have control with myself and also him, he doesn't say hurtful things to me anymore.

    Maybe as relationship lasts, the more you know how to understand and adjust. You just have to talk things through to solve the problems.

  5. Hi, believed it or not, I punched my boyfriend today and am googling the topic because I feel guilty and wanted to justify it, just the way I think you're trying to justify it. Your question came up on google. I understand what you mean, I feel the same way. I grew up beating my older brothers up when I was little when they picked on me or when they did thoughtless things and sometimes it almost feels like the same kind of fight, yelling because they wouldn't listen, then resorting to punching, kicking, slapping, etc...
    But after reading all the different comments on the internet, I'm seriously scared shitless that maybe I'm abusive. But then I'm like. WHAT THE h**l? I'm perfectly normal there's nothing mentally wrong with me. They just make it sound like it is. Don't listen to them. We're all brought up differently and our own situations are different. But if we're guilty, we're probably at fault. I have to stop hitting him though. But I've owned up to it. I apologized and told him he is allowed to punch me one time (not too hard). Good luck! Wish me luck too.

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