
I hit another car no damage was done, no police report.?

by  |  earlier

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we both went our ways, a week later a police officer calls me asking me if i was in an accident, i said yes, then he asks me to contact this person i hit, that his car door is not opening now. Police officer said i will look bad if this is my fault and I don't contact him. What would you do? What is the right thing to do? Can I get in trouble for not calling him back? He could have damaged is car and now wants to blame me for it?




  1. are you sure the police called you?

    anyone can imitate a police officer in the phone, illegal...yes, but do people do it yes!

    anytime you are in an accident, take photos of the vehicle (theirs and yours) so that if something like this were to happen you will ahve proof hey i didn't ding your door dork (and if they see you taking photos they won't pull c**p.

    he likely did something to his car and now is going to blame it on you (i know the photo thing is a hindsight now) but to those who read this can see why it is good.

    anytime you get a call from the "police" find out where they are calling from i.e. san francisco police department, find out their info (if you ask they have to tell you) then call the department, and say i just recived a call from someone saying they were with the police...and confirm it was a cop.

    or that the other person acctually called the police, they will keep records of people who call (time, date, name and address or as much of that as possible) and when an officer was dipatched (if at all) and if this was done through non emergency lines it s a lot easier and quicker. if he called 911 they would first check to see if an officer was dispatched to his home (would be more difficult if it were at his work or a friends house ect, but they can find it by his full name and whether some one by that name called regarding an accident with in a certain time frame.

    (my ex husband said he called the cops on me once....i immidiatley called the police after, there was no record of him calling...he lied, by the way he was drunk and i had done nothing wrong...i knew he was lying..long story how.)

    make sure it was the police and not him or some buddy (or girlfriend) he may be trying to get something out of you, by playing cop.  and it sounds like it to me.  because if there was no report filed and it wasn't taken care of then and there, public road or not it would then become a civil matter, no police involment needed (unless he is trying to say you ran.....but if he has your info enough to be able to have you called, then that would be proof enought that you didn't hit and run.)

    step 1. make sure it was a cop.

    step 2. (if yes) talk to them first, find out what legal problems you may face, can you be arrested you driving record affected, and what will be done from there. if they will be involved.  and seeing as how you didn't run and you traded info it will likely be civil (and you are more likely to win...why did he wait so fraud maybe)

    step 3. consult from an attorney about what can be done

    step 4. talk to your insurance (vehicle) if you would want them to investigat or pay, (HE WOULD HAVE NOTICED IMMIDIATLY IF HIS DOOR WAS STICKING OR NOT OPENING NORMALY!!!!)

    step 5. prepare for court

    step 6. go to small claims court. (you will be the defendant...he will have to do all the work to get it there)

    these may not be in the best order, and there may be a few missing,but definatley call the pd they will be able to give you good advice about what you should do next to protect yourself....even they will find the situation fishy. they will answer all questions and give advice to everyone, cops don't take sides, because if they appear to it can make a good arrest or citation go out the window especially not in situations like this. (yes somtimes the situation gets the best of them and they do, but not as often as you think)

    but if he is really trying to get you to pay why not call your insurance, why did he not call you directly?

    if you find out it was not a cop or there was no record of the police depaartment calling you or him calling....file a report against him for immitaing a police officer to get you to pay for something that likely you didn't cause. (and skip all ther other steps)

    here is what i guess happened:

    boom accident

    oh bleep...are you okay? yes and you? good good.

    make sure that you two are in a safe location....examin your own vehicle and thiers he does the same...

    my car is fine, mine too, are you sure your all right?

    yes. exchange of info.

    sometime passes he does something to his car like opens the door into a pole or hits his own car with another....(or worse purposly damages it)

    then he uses you as an explanation of convinance, you two crashed and that wasn't too long ago and now this, wait he can just say it was you.....then he either calls the police, or insurance ect.

    then oyu get a call either from him pretending to be a cop, or an actual cop, thinking that you will just pay up because you don't know any better.

    Now make lots of calls first, (namely the police to make sure the call was on the up and up) and call him last, or hire an attorney and let the attorney call him....

    again if it wasn't the police who called you file a report against him...tell them exactly what happened how the accident happened (your side) do't lie...they can't cite you because they can not prove it was negligence on your part (they would need proof, not just what oyu said he said...and there were no it won't matter)

    tell them you both decided to go on your way because you were both alright and no damage....

    tell them that someone called saying there were so and so from the (city) police dept. or highway patrol what ever they said try to repeat it verbatem to the is best if you right it down rihgt now as you may forget if you need to tell them what was told to you.

    or if you find out it wasn't the police that called you....then you can choose to do nothing.

    go through the mothions CYA!

  2. Sticky.

    No record of where on his car body he was hit , by you.

    Problem is that he could claim hit and run.  You may have to contact him, see what he is claiming and what he expects.  You should demand to see any estimates and the possible cause.

    Always, always, exchange information, insurance, make note of time, location and date.

    Normally a police report is not required with no visable damage.  This is a sticky sit.

    A week is a long time.

  3. You made the mistake many millions of people already have made.  Always report an accident.  Many times things that seem fine are not upon further inspection.  Many times injuries become apparent the next day too.  If you hit the car and it was sort of your fault, you may want to settle it and to move on.  Tell the other driver to get a few esimates and just dig in your pocket.  It may just be a few hundred dollars.  Your insurance company doesn't want to hear you hit somebody a week ago.  You already told the officer you were involved, so it will cost you, but you will hopefully learned a lesson.  Good Luck!

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