
I hit him and it didn't count!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I hit him and it didn't count!!!!!!!!!!!!!?




  1. why did you hit him then?

  2. change the rules until it counts!

  3. Hit him till he bleeds then it will count ?

  4. huh??

  5. It's the Egos fault

  6. What game are you playing Sorry,Trouble which one

  7. Are you boxing? Hit him twice, thrice! Oh i will count if you tell me what game are you playing?

  8. ummmmmmmm okkkkk..

  9. What game are you playing. Maybe you or your friend should read the rules to eliminate any disputes you may have.

  10. what?

  11. Hit him again, what game are you playing

  12. que?

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