
I hit my girlfriend in front of her friends...?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike they all hate me and tell her that she shouldn't be with me. We talked about breaking up all day today, and thankfully, she sees that I am sorry and that I made a mistake. Unfortunately, I will need to make amends with her friends though. Any advice on what I could possible do or say to ease their worries? I could just be honest and tell them that she made me angry, but my friends say I should come up with an angle to manipulate them into seeing things my way.




  1. Before you get back together, seek professional help. You should never, ever hurt someone. Even if it happens just once you need to really think about what happened and make sure it doesn't happen again. Maybe if you give her some time and space, and then make it clear that you have changed your ways (AND STICK TO IT) her friends may accept you again.

  2. she should dump you.

    you seem like a douche bag

  3. You don't deserve her or her friends forgiveness.


  4. You should have never hit in in the first place.

    Wtf is wrong with you?

  5. you dont deserve a second chance...

    you dont hit girls...

    it doesnt matter if she made you mad you just shouldnt do it...

    but if she really likes you then she wont care what her friends think...

    but i wouldnt ever forgive you...

    unless your hot ;]]]

  6. hit? you hit her? what were your parents? ******* apes????? wtf is your problem..... if she knows what's good for her she'll leave you and msg me so I can hook her up with a real man.  

  7. you're not a man you're a coward hitting a women, 3 things i hate in life:

    1.Drug Addicts


    and 3 Women bashers

    all scum

  8. I think that the BEST way for you to handle it is to not just apologize for your actions but to agree to some anger management counseling.

    I know it seems extreme to suddenly jump into therapy.  But, the truth is that statistically you are more likely than not to hit her again.

    You said it yourself, "She made me angry..."  Well, that excuse won't hold up in any court.  She actually has witnesses to you abusing her (which IS an arrestable offense).

    IF you choose to stay with her, I recommend getting help.  IF you truly care about her, you would break up with her, get help and then see how you feel later.

    If my daughter came home and told me that she was hit by someone, I would have him arrested and a restraining order in place.

    The safety and security of your girlfriend far outweighs YOUR lack of being able to communicate with her.

    Yelling and hitting occurs when you become so frustrated at the person you are trying to communicate with because they are disagreeing or don't understand you or have done something to upset you.

    If you two can't communicate...break up.

    Seems to me your friends are not very wise.  Telling a manipulator to manipulate MORE is ridiculous.

    I hope you get help!

    If you are wise enough to post here for help, you must be wise enough to see what needs to be done.

  9. Geez normally I would bash on any creep that hits a female, but you are making an effort and acknowledge that you were wrong.  Hitting is something that is not easily cured as statistically speaking it could happen again each time you got angry.  I think you should take a breather and seek therapy if you have medical coverage, if not see a minister or religous leader and be blunt and forward about what you did and why and how you felt that you had the right to hit your girlfriend.  I think you are intelligent enough to do something about this behavior so I'm counting on you dude.......

  10. Even though you say it's a joke, It's still NOT FUNNY.  Physical abuse, or even emotional abuse, should never be seen as a joke.  

  11. that was not cool man  

  12. WHY THE h**l DID YOU HIT HER IN THE FIRST PLACE?!! that's abuse.

  13. no way man... you are SHADY... I'd kick your teeth in if I ever saw you. Guys should NEVER hit a girl... tisk tisk you domb mother F***er. burn in H.e.l.l.

  14. Well done...thanks for spoiling our men's "image" even more

  15. You are an idiot

  16. you shouldn't hav hit her, i get that

    what you should do, not for anyone else but for youself and any future relationships, you should go to an anger management course, so you know how to deal with ur anger when u get worked up

    you probably feel bad enough, i duno

  17. Never hit anyone, especially a girl. Even if she makes you angry. The best way to make her friends happy is to go to "anger management" classes and show them you're serious about getting help for your problem.

  18. Honestly I wouldn't tell you an answer if I had one because you don't deserve help from us.  You hit a woman and you want sympathy or assistance?  I say you deserve to have her leave you.  Accident or not your girl shouldn't be able to drive you to the point of hitting her unless you are a total waste of life.  

    Frankly, had I seen you hit here I would have tore you up.

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