
I hit my knee again ice-skating. Help please?

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I am a pretty good skater but I tend to take really bad falls on my knees and wrists. Like an idiot I do not wear protection. I have repeatedly hit my knees over the last 8 months and now tonight I was bumped pretty hard and fell again. I hit the knee so hard and its SO swollen. I need to go to the doctor. Luckily payday is tomorrow but how much can I expect to spend at the doctor for the x-rays? I know the visit at my usual clinic is $50. Also are x-rays good enough or should I see a specialist. Ice-skating is the thing I find most fufilling right now and as an adult skater I don't want to stop because I doubt I would ever start again. However, I don't want my knees to get worse. any advice?




  1. Do buy skates without spur on blade front, If they are only for show

  2. The "spur things" are toe picks you're right, and if you want to figure skate, they are very important. What would happen to Flips and Lutzes without the toe pick? You need to buy some type of knee guards. Try Rainbo Sports, they usually have good products.

  3. ummmm, yeah.....I'm gonna say either wear protection or stop doing it.  It's pretty simple.....

  4. This isn't really advice, but more to tell you what I went through.  It's smart that you do go see a doctor in any case, especially if it is very swollen.  

    I injured my landing leg knee from skating . . . cracked a knee cap.  I couldn't put my weight on it (that's a sign something is seriously wrong).  Still, I drove and went to work thinking no biggie, but then my knee swelled up like a grapefruit.  I went to a sports medicine orthopedic dr the next morning (who also happened to be an ice dancer - and I had gone to him before for another injury).  Actually I called him ON the injury day and he said if the area didn't feel any better, then to come into the office in the morning.  Ok, so I went.  They took an x-ray and sure enough I had a cracked knee cap.  Not cracked all the way through luckily, otherwise my leg muscles would have separated it and I would have had to have surgery.  They put me in a velcro splint that I could take off and I wasn't allowed to do anything.  

    BUT I HAD TO.  I am an adult.  I had to drive.  I had to work.  And because of my "nature", I had to keep physically active.

    I was told the swelling could last over a year.  So I went to an acupunturist/herbalist for help.  He happened to be an athlete as well, so he did acupuncture treatments on my knee (swelling went down greatly - which helps the healing process to go faster) AND he gave me gentle stretches I could work on.  Meanwhile, I did go to BOTH drs . . . I went to the x-ray appointments to make sure the crack was healing well - and it was.  

    Meanwhile, I kept up what I could with the rest of my body.  I kept on stretching, doing light yoga and even dance - whatever I was able to do without using that leg.  Eventually I was able to get on a stationary bike sooner than what the dr allowed me (I had to learn how to use that knee again) . . . and I was back on the ice in only 3 months.  It felt weird gonig back at first, but it really took no time to get back into the groove of things on the ice.

    So for me, going to those 2 "specialists" were worth it to me.  Some people are not comfortable with the idea of acupunture, but I am all for it as it's helped me several times.  But that's me.  

    I can't remember the costs as that was nearly 10 years ago.  But in hindsight, I should have looked into ISI's insurance coverage - I probably could have taken advantage of that at the time.  

    If anything, go to the doctor . . . and then listen to your body.  If your knee is really hurting, listen to your body and give it a good rest.  Full recovery from an injury will only make your skating better (reinjuring or making an injury worse is the worst thing you can do, and I've done that too).  If you are truly hooked on skating, believe me, you'll come back to it.  

    Hope your knee gets better - soon!!  

  5. omg seriously did anyone actually READ the question?

    okay well it depends on your level of health cover, here in australia we have medicare, which pays most medical expenses. X-rays arent that pricey, but you should probably see a doctor first... they can reccomend you to a specialist should you need one, and they can also tell you what kind of x-rays you should get.

  6. I use volleyball knee-pads to protect my knees. Mine are from Nike and are thin (not the turtle shell shaped ones). They are also not just a flat piece of foam.

    they look just like this

    and you can buy them from here or a number of sporting stores

  7. haha. the second answer cracks me up.

    its pretty simple. wear knee protection.

    there's tons of it, from ace bandages to products advertised in skating magazines.

    after getting the x-ray, someone will probably tell you if you should see a specialist.

    ice your knee, 20min on 20 min off.

    and if your falling on your knees alot, something is probably wrong with your jumping technique so ask your coach whats wrong so you can fix it and fall on the butt or land. instead of falling on your knees.

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