
I hit some guy, dented his door, and gave him my insurance info...what now?

by  |  earlier

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We were gonna try to resolve it without insurance but the estimates he got where too high...what do I do now, just tell him to contact my insurance company? Do I need to contact them at all?

The accident was my fault




  1. First off, police are not going to do anything about it.  You need to report it to your insurance company.  This is a perfect scenario of what happens when trying to handle it on your own.

    You pay insurance premiums for a reason.  If you submit this and your rates go up over a 3 year period, isn't it better than paying it all out of pocket now??

    Doesn't matter whether theres damage to your car or not.  Your insurance carrier may want to inspect it for your own safety.  They will also check his estimate to verify he's not claiming damage that you did not cause.

  2. well that was the reason to do what you did was to not pay the insurance company any money or make your rates go up ro one of you didnt have it.... really should have turn it in to the cops first then your insurance.....and they would have work out the problem but you didnt so now it will be harder to do but yes you cvall them and give them his info and then have him call them but i bet you will need a police report which you cant get now so good luck should have payed the money

  3. NEVER, EVER try to "resolve it without insurance"  NEVER !   You need to notify your insurance company and give them all of the info.  Do this ASAP.  You bought insurance for protection.  Let them protect you.

  4. Was there a police report filed?

    Most insurance co. require a police report filed at the time of the accident.

    If you are through trying to cover it yourself and ready for your insurance company to become involved, instruct him to contact your insurance company and then you can also call them.  It should only count against you if they pay out on the claim.

  5. i would just wait contact my insurance agent and tell them the story

  6. You did all you need to's up to him to contact your insurance company and get his car fixed. Make sure you keep his name and number so he doesn't later report that it was a 'Hit & Run'...which there's no way if you have his name and phone number. If he doesn't take it any farther....then that is his fault. You have done all that was required by law of you to do.

    I personally would not call my insurance company...wait until they call you. If they do...tell them you didn't call them since there was no damage to your car.

    One thing I suggest for you to do is take pictures when you are involved in any accident. If you hace a cell phone camera use that....if not buy one of those cheap disposable cameras. Take pictures of both cars...even take one other the other people in their car and even in they don't come back on you later and say they were crippled in the accident. You have pictures of them walking around with no cuts or makes it hard for them to prove they where injured in your accident.

  7. Contact your insurance company and give them the other persons info and they'll do the rest that's what you're paying them for.

  8. LET ME GIVE YOU SOME GOOD ADVISE: NEVER ADMIT FAULT, your company is supposed to fight for you.

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