
I hit this car and i need to know my chances of being not at fault?

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I was driving on the freeway and this girl in front of me grazes the car in front of her while they're both moving. The person she hit continues driving to pull to the side, but she slams on her breaks in the fast lane. I had a lot of room in front of me, but I didn't have enough time to stop so I hit her. There were 3 witnesses that all said it was her fault for stopping in the middle of the freeway. What's the chance that this is not my fault???




  1. 99% of the time if you run into the back of someone no matter the reason you are at fault. You are to leave plenty of room for anything that happens in front of you. So I would say from that situation you are at least mostly at fault...........UJN

  2. I am in the same situation, I hit a car that slammed on his brakes mid intersection. The cop cited the both of us, me for following to close and then him for slamming on his brakes and causing an accident. I guess what you would have to do is wait for the police report. It is my undertanding though that if you hit someone from behind you are usually at fault. As crappy as that is. But for me I might have a leg to stand on cause he was deamed at fault as well. So its a battle of the inurance companies to see who wins. I dont want to take it to court, but I will. See if my legal studies pays Good luck!!!

  3. your fault

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