
I homeschooled my son for all of kg & 1st grade mostly because I wanted to, but he also had a medical?

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condition. My daughter is going to be in kg next year & my husband wants to send her to public school (mostly because his mom says public schools are better than homeschooling). I think it's only fair to her if I at least get to homeschool her for her kg year? Why should she not get the special attention from me that our son got??




  1. I understand Ur point..

    but if u are not going todoit for several years.. like until... 6Th grade..

    then they need to get acclimated to the school setting at a early age... like all the other kids..

    I am not against home schooling don't get me wrong.. but  one year or two years.. is not enough..

    they fall behind.. and don't learn social skills.. like all the other kids.. it can hurt them in the long range..

    I am sure there are advantages to it as well..

    U no life is not fair.. each  child  is different.. and will experience different things in life..

    U just have to do what u have to do..

    take care..

    ps.. I was told to make the little hearts.. to use ALT key.. is that true???

  2. Give homeschooling a shot, if all goes well I'm sure you'll know what's best.

  3. Fairness is irrelevant here.  At elementary level, you can likely do a satisfactory job of homeschool instruction.  But there are benefits to the social interaction that children will encounter in a public or private school.  You need to weigh these factors before making a final decision.

  4. you need to let go...honestly. homeschooling not normal. all those kids turn up weirdos. not trying to be a jerk, but come on.

  5. First point: you can't treat all of your children the same. It's not about "fairness" in this case, because each child is an individual and has individual circumstances so to be fair to the child, you have to do what's best for them in the circumstances, not do exactly what you did for the other kids. If you had to get up and rock one of your children each night for 3 hours because it was the only way they could sleep doesn't mean you'd get up and rock your other child (who sleeps well) for 3 hours a night.

    Second point: is your son now in school? If not, then that would be something to try to win your husband over with--that sending one to school and keeping one home at the same time could come across as favoritism.

    If a child is going to go to school for gr. 1, then kindergarten can be a very important transitional year: being away from mom more, getting used to school-type routines and noise and all that. If you want to homeschool, aim for the long-term and try to show your husband all of the benefits. Connect with a support group in your area and find things to attend.

  6. honestly, with how schools are it's probably better that you do, on the other hands you don't really make friends being homeschooled, you might want to think about home schooling her when she gets to the point where your classes are like 40-50 students to 1 teacher, she'd have a better chance, but the problem is kids that are homeschooled tend to be more withdrawn

  7. my son goes to school but i think we teach him more at home

  8. From an academic point of view, I think there is nothing wrong with homescooling your daughter. But from a social point of view, I think kids develop alot of their social skills at an early age as well as developing friendships with kids they wouldn't even know had they been homeschooled. I've had talks like this with my brother. He sees my point of view. But I know who wears the pants in his

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