
I honestly can't understand how someone can believe in God?

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With all the evidence that God isnt real, how can one believe in him?

Can someones faith really be that strong?

I just don't understand how anyone could believe in something so strongly.. if they really knew everything about the religion.. and really deeply thought about it.

I'm not mocking christians, Im actually asking, is it all in your faith?




  1. Nobody is forcing u to BELIEVE in god, if u're not innit it's fine,

    but the thing is:


    It can be GOD, UR MOM, UR DAD UR BEST FRIEND or etc.......

  2. Well it beats the h**l (h**l being a state of being in *this* life (I believe)) that results from disbelief (lol.)

  3. There is evidence throughout the bible.  But I understand what you are saying.  Believing in God is something that takes faith.  Following through with His words takes even more.  Once you experience accepting Him into your life, you can understand everything about a relationship with God.  Because thats really what it is.  Not a religion, a relationship.  But you can stray in your relationship, and lose sight of Him. It happened to me.  I was close to God when I was younger, then hit middle school.  Things changed for me and I became distant with Him.  When I hit high school, I was barely acknowledging His presence in my life.  Then something happened.  And I changed.  And this past summer, I grew closer than ever to God.  I learned to depend on him and trust Him completely.  I hope this helped

  4. ...What evidence?

    There is no proof for either unexistence or existence of a supreme being.

  5. to know god u must accept jesus to be filled with his holy spirit and he will be your guide and then will u know he is real - their is no doubt in my mind anymore - love peace and joy

  6. Ok so let me ask you this how can you believe in something so strongly(you not thinking God is real)when you don't have ANY proof.

    Ok let me put it this way would you Rather live you life out in sin and die and go to h**l(saying that there is A God[Which there is])Or.would you Rather live a good Christian life and die and go to heaven,or die and there not have been a God(either way if you live a Good christian life you win.)

    Not  trying to sound mean in anyway sorry if I offended you.

    If you have any more ?'s you may email me.

  7. I can't believe I ever was brainwashed into that hogwash either!!!!!

  8. There's many reason, but the main one is that some people will believe in anything to blindly carry them past the fear of death.

  9. Neither can I, I find it inconceivable, both the concept of god, and the fact that people believe in him. However, we should respect their beliefs and as you say, not mock them. We should accept that they believe, and we don't. Nice if the sentiment was returned too, eh?

  10. This is a question your going to have to answer yourself

    If this is REALLY important to you, step in a someone elses shoes and go on a journy to find the answer yourself. maybe you will learn something about yourself on the way.

    your not gonna find the answer going browsing through the net.

    Nobody can answer this but yourself, and you can only answer it through a journey

  11. If you really knew God and deeply understood Him, you would believe.

    I honestly don't understand why you cannot believe in something strongly.  Do you have friends?  Do you love them strongly?

    It is in my mind, heart, and soul.  I believe in God.

    Accept it.

  12. Yes it's all about faith ! Religion has nothing to do with God .It is made man not God made.

    He said in his word " blessed of those who have not seen yet still believe".

  13. I understand it, and I'm an atheist. But I was once a theist, so I sympathize with them.

    It's a feeling of belonging, going somewhere when you die, and having something greater than you looking out for you.

    Arewe: I DID believe in god. Wholeheartedly. This is a problem with a lot of theists, they think atheists that were once theists were not true to their beliefs. Some atheists were priests, ministers, Sunday school teachers, etc,... Tell me how it is that they prayed, as I did, followed a life with the concept of god, yet didn't believe, ever?

    Honestly, it's an excuse, a way of explaining away their deconverts.

    ***And yet Arewe, you are still wrong. I "knew" god as every other person who believes or believed "knew" god. You are using the same tired conclusion that many theists, especially Christians use concerning atheists who were once theists. Just the same as Christians who point out "true Christians" and the latter. Religion I may have been surrounded by, but I did form my own conclusion when it came to god. You are not hurting me, just insulting me with the FACT that I DID believe in god, and you say I didn't.

    Just accept it, many atheists did truly believe in god.

    I don't see where my answer points to me 'going through the motions', other than "a feeling of belonging". All the rest I understand as a belief in god.

  14. I have supernatural proof that God exist. However I didnt even need this because I already knew he did. I always remembered some of my supernatural experiences. But they never played a part in me believing. I already knew he was who he was. However what excuse will I have not to listen to him since I know for certain he exist? Turn to Jesus and he will save your soul. He has done it for me multiple times. Do you think that everyone is just lying to you? Read the bible. Everything in it is true and trustworthy. Lots of christians will testify that they've seen supernatural things but no one will believe them. Is every christian just crazy or is it that we see something you havent seen because you wont believe?

  15. I began to agree with you by age 7. Someone says there is no proof or disproof of God. Actually, the Bible is strong disproof of its deity first called YHWH rendered as Yahweh and mistransalated as Jehovah. It makes no sense that a God who supposedly created the universe  would be so ignorant about his own creation. He sounds like an ignorant Hebrew shepherd. That is obviously because an ignorant Hebrew shepherd began the Bible, and the later authors were just as ignorant as he was. Two verses say pi is 3.00. I knew better than that in elementary school. Many parts from first to last in the Bible indicate that the sky is a solid dome a few miles above us that will roll up like a scroll some day. There are many glaring contradictions, e.g. was Jesus born about 10BC or 7AD, did God or the Satan inspire David's census, etc.? The problem is that many people are ruled by feelings and emotions, and religions appeal the them, not to reason. My sister and my aunt are incapable of coherent thought, so they believe nonsense in many areas, including Christianity.

  16. i think some people feel the need to believe in a faith in order to come to terms with the universe

  17. Every human being has faith. You believe that you will live tomorrow despite that you breath polluted air, drink poisoned water (chlorinated water) and eat junk food which you know it is bad for you.  

  18. on the other hand I could ask you the same question,how can you NOT believe that God loves you and can forgive you of your sins..we all have them..absolutely I have faith in God and believe Him with every cell of my being

  19. everyone thinks the same as you except the following:

    (a) purebreds - spoon fed the word of god from day one, probably by dinosaurs.

    (b) dinosaurs - old people set in their ways and closed-minded to the  emerging reality.

    (c) repenters - usually junkies and cons, like plenty of the preachers on here... god helped them through their darkest hours blah blah you know the story.

  20. I can't believe it either,but there you go,those without inner strength need a crutch to carry them and religion is their crutch....

    those saying that they know god exists for a fact are talking out of their butt holes,you have not one shred of proof or evidence,maybe you are prone to dillusions or have a tumour in your brain,but you most certainly do not have any proof whatsoever..

  21. What evidence is there that God does not exist?

    Modern science does not recognize the spiritual, since it cannot be subjected to testing. It is not something that can be tested, reproduced in a lab somewhere, or even touched.

    Because of this, they think it is not real.

    And God cannot be known by those methods either.

  22. I honestly can't understand how someone can not believe in God?

    With all the evidence that God is real, how can one not believe in him?

    Can someones faith really be that strong?

    I just don't understand how anyone could believe in something so strongly.. if they really knew anything about the religion.. and really deeply thought about it.

    I'm not mocking atheists, I'm actually asking, is it all in your faith?

    Webster's Dictionary defines religion as follows, "Cause, principle or system of beliefs held with ardour and faith." Surely this is an apt description of evolution. Evolution is a 'belief system' i.e. a religion !

    Models of science are subject to change for both creationists and evolutionists. But, the beliefs that these models are built on are not. The problem is that most scientists do not realize that it is the belief (religion) of evolution that is the basis for scientific models (the interpretations, or stories) used to attempt an explanation of the present. Evolutionists are not prepared to change their actual belief that all life can be explained by natural processes and that no God is involved (or even needed). Evolution is a religion to which they are commited. Christians need to wake up to this.

    Evolution is a religion, not a science.



  23. I don't know exactly what evidence there is to say there is no God, but from what I have seen -it only confirms there is a God.  Just looking at nature itself is reason enough.  No big-bang could ever get things so right, so organized.  I also have had my own miracles in my life, and God has given me a peace when things have gone wrong.  Faith is definitely a factor in my belief, for if I did not have faith, then the glory of God's work would go to science or the unexplained instead of going to Him.

  24. Fear is a very powerful motivator. Fear of the unknown is especially strong. And religion comes along and claims to have all the answers (actually, just one answer for everything - "god did it!") so you don't have to be scared anymore. And if that isn't enough, religion also has convinced people that, if they don't believe, they're going to be ostracized during this life and tortured for all eternity in the afterlife.

    Fear, guilt and shame are the tools religion uses to manipulate people into believing the most ridiculous lies ever concocted.

  25. Yes, it's simply faith.  And I believe in my case, it's the way my parents raised me.  I was in church every Sunday until I grew up and moved out.  I still attend when work permits me.  When something is so deeply embedded and it's a part of your life, of course you believe.  Thank you for not mocking and asking in a respectful manner.

  26. Please show me the evidence that God isn't real that you say is out there. because there is no evidence out there. this is just your own bias opinion of the matter of God, I tell you I can look out my window and see life and that is evidence that God is real. Just open your eyes and see life then you will see GOD.

  27. I personally wonder why someone doesn't at the very least believe there is a God. There is no evidence or proof that God isn't real.

    With out God we are saying:

    Nothing produces everything

    Non life produces life

    Randomness produces fine tuning

    Chaos produces information

    Unconsciousness produces consciousness

    Non-reason produces reason

    None of which makes sense!

    The only option left is that God exists!

    Scientists today are aware that science itself is limited. Science is competent to answer questions about how matter behaves according to the laws of nature, but science is not competent to answer the question of whether or not the laws of nature have a Lawgiver.

    Contrary to what many non-believers think, the Bible does not teach blind faith. In fact, the Bible actually tells believers to test everything. No other "holy" book tells its readers to actually put what it says to the test. The Bible can make such a statement because it passes the tests of truthfulness that no other "holy" book can. God Himself in His revelation to Isaiah stated, "Come now, and let us reason together..." God, the Creator of humans and human reasoning ability wants us to use that ability to determine His plan of salvation. How do we determine if the Bible is true? We test it and see if it is reasonable. Psalm 19 tells us that the universe "declares the glory of God" and that this "voice goes out into all the earth."

    The Bible teaches a rational faith, based upon knowledge and refined through testing. Christians are encouraged to use their minds in all aspects of life, including our spiritual life  

  28. Yes, it's all in our Faith.

    That's not to say we can't approach God & religion intellectually. However, if you attempt to tackle God intellectually-only, no wonder you don't understand!

    It takes Faith, and yes - Faith IS strong.

    Looking at this logically, if God isn't real, then Faith isn't real either. If Faith isn't real, how do you explain Faith's strength? The fact that you are willing to admit strength in Faith, doesn't that also, at least indirectly, suggest you are willing to entertain the possibility God does exist?

  29. As someone who was a christian for most of my life, I definitely understand it.  I actually feel compassion for people that believe in god.  On a simple level, it helps make sense of a confusing and chaotic world, it helps put someone else in charge, and it helps deal with the pain and uncertainty of death.

    Evidence or not, if you were raised thinking god and all its implications are real, it's very difficult to let go of.

  30. Well, thanks for asking politely.  I know you can't understand, otherwise you'd believe too lol.  And no, someone's faith cannot be that strong for mere belief in God.  All it takes is a small amount.  

    Faith grows as you walk with God.  By following the commands and principles, by seeing the affect it has on not just your life but the lives of everyone you know and love, your faith grows.

    From where I stand, at this end of the "walk", I cannot see how you don't believe :)

    But then again, how can you ... you have not walked the same walk I have :)

  31. I guess it is all in faith...

    Because I couldn't imagine how someone could lose all faith like that- to think there's no higher power, and that nothing happens to you spiritually when you die.  I'd rather believe that life has a purpose.  I don't want to go through life thinking that this is all we have, and that once it's done, it's done.  I'd be miserable if I truly believed that.  So, I guess I believe in God mostly because I'd rather believe in something great that may not exist, than something so empty, that also may not be true.

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