
I hooked my ipod up to my computer and my ipod froze. i cant even turn it off. what has happened?

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I hooked my ipod up to my computer and my ipod froze. i cant even turn it off. what has happened?




  1. Dont listen to Shante C. If you have a wall charger try plugging it in. If that doesnt work wait a day or two then try again. If it still doesnt work go to an apple store and the Genius bar. Go online and make an appointment. It free.

  2. Well it appears to me like your ipod froze. Toggle the orange switch to hold off to hold on to hold off then hold down menu and pause for probably 10 seconds. If that doesnt work try holding menu and that middle button for 10. If that doesnt work you have a problem madam. Good Day.

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