
I hope I've done the right thing with this rescue pigeon?

by  |  earlier

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I saw a pigeon dragging itself across the road and then it just sat still for hours unable to walk or fly. I took it to the local vet and they said it was a baby that had fallen out of the nest early but was ok. One of them works at a sanctuary and they said they would take the bird there to rear it till it is self sufficient, or I could take it, put it somewhere safe and feed it.

I don't know anything about birds so I let them take it, but now I'm worried that the parents will be wondering where it is. There are quite a few pigeons around here but they weren't near the baby this afternoon, although one is sitting on my roof now looking round. Also there is now a cat sniffing round where it was, and I didn't want to leave it out overnight (I'm in UK).

sorry this is so long.




  1. Your main question seems to be will the parents be concerned about their youngster.  Truthfully, the answer is no.  Pigeons are a prey species.  They lose young all the time to predators and they simply renest.  They may look for the baby for an hour or so, but that's it.  

    Also, pigeons normally rear two young at a time, so even if this youngster was out of the nest, there's a decent certainty that a second youngster is being reared even as I type by those parents and all their care is now directed to it.

    So, yeah, you did the right thing.

  2. Often babies fall out of the nest and die. The parents will most likely assume that is what has happened. It won't affect them too much, promise!

  3. well.. to be honets, because feral pigeons are classed as pets, the best thing would n=have been to break its neck.

    if unable to wlka or fly, its really too young to live, and would have fallen a great height, will mostly likely die from internal bleeding.

  4. You did the right thing. Don't worry.

  5. You definately did the right thing! The parents won't mind. Since they're wild birds, they'll look for a little while but soon give up since in the wild it's very likely something will happen to the baby animals. They'll go on and have another family.

    Also the saliva of cats has a bacteria that is fatal to birds. One bite from a cat and it could possibly kill the poor pigeon.

    I don't know if you took the sanctuary option or not, but I strongly advise it. They are professionals that could help the baby grow up as healthy and strong as it could in the care of humans. Then once it can eat, you can go back and keep it as a pet if you'd like. Being young it will probably become tame and at least somewhat imprinted on humans. I'm sure it would make a wonderful pet :)

    Thank you for taking the time to help and care for this bird. There aren't many people with that much heart anymore.


  6. you did the right thing

  7. The best thing for you to do is accept the offer of the sanctuary.

    They know of the ways to rear birds that have been "Lost"

    Take it will save you a lot of hassle.

  8. you defo did the right thing it would have died its parents will just forget about it and worry about the other babys (in uk as well)

  9. You did the right thing it was only going to be ran over or eaten by a cat if it stayed there now it can live because of you.

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