
I hope that?women plz only?

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my period is hurting too much

i do have lots of craving and i m bleeding since the first day and with cramps and sickness

i heard that not eating fat,make you lose some

and i m not fat i m underweight and its still comming:((




  1. heat on your tummy should help- either a hot water bottle or hot beanie bag. There used to be tablets for this called Feminax--- ask at the chemist . I found energetic bending and stretching exercise used to help me. Although i too had a friend who always had the first 2-3 days off work she felt so rough. its just the way your body handles it. sometimes going on the pill helps. If it keeps being painful ask your doctor

  2. could be cause your overweight, too much or too little has the same bad effect y'know.. also, what cravings? im interested :P xx

  3. have a word with your doctor. Id say try going on the pill cos thats supposed to help alot especially with the heavy flow and cramps

  4. some women like myself have alot of cramping and sickness with their period there are some days i cant even get out of bed i hurt so bad but i take 800mg ib profin and it helps me alot. u should try it... as long as u are still having your period i would take a pregnancy test just to be sure and if it is negative than its a good possibility that its just the way your body handles it. hope i helped :)

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