
I hope the Republican Congressmen are enjoying their vacation while the rest of us suffer with high gas prices

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I am MAD that the repubicans took a vacation when our country is in a crisis!




  1. Congress always takes a summer break - and it is the entire body meaning the Dems and Repubs.  If the Dems are so great, they hold the majority why didn't they just vote not to take their summer recess?

  2. are you ignorant or feeble minded. congress is a democratic majority. they dont need republicans to pass legislation.

  3. The democrats are in control of congress, have been since 2006, you know, when the stock market started declining and gas prices started inching up to the point where we are now.  If you want lower gas prices you need to urge your democrats in control to grant the permits for the oil companies to start drilling for oil in our country and off shore. It's a little more productive than just sitting there whinning.  

    Now that reality is setting in, all polls indicate the vast majority of Americans (yes, even the libs) favor drilling. It's a shame it had to get to this point before the libs realized that you can't heat your home with an overabundance of spotted owls (the ones we were protecting because supposedly they would become extinct no matter where we drill.)

  4. Oh you are a smart one Democrat control and you blame the GOP..FIGURE you ppl can not take re possible even after you take control

  5. You should be MAD!!! The GOP are not alone at the beach however. None of our government Representatives are doing the job we elected them to do. Not to worry though,they will be back in 2-weeks and I'm sure the hard questions will all be answered in the next month before they go on their next vacation!

  6. Adding to the dude in front of me, all of these people are only in it for the money.  Good, honest, hardworking people don't win in politics.  They lose every single time because they can't get the funding from special interest groups because these people aren't going to benefit from having someone who actually cares in any office.  Republicans and Democrats are both the same and all work for hte New World Order.

    And I hope that their vacations suck!  

    Boycott gasoline.  I have been doing it for years and you just get used to riding you bike and walking everywhere.  It is so liberating!  You don't have to buy into their b.s.

  7. this a serious question...liberals/democrats have control of ALL  the committees of congress as the majority.  republicans have little to do with it.  your question has no answer as democrats have control of congress.  thats why they have that WHOPPING 11 percent approval rating and are known as the pelosi/reid regime.

  8. Your one-sidedness is painfully obvious.  THINK about this ... is it merely a coincidence that the cost of oil didn't begin to skyrocket until the democrats took control of Congress?

    And the way you phrased your non-question, one would think that the democrats were still up in DC toiling away at a new bill that would save us all.  NOT!

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