
I hope they throw the book at them ?

by Guest32782  |  earlier

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They are nothing but scum.

Your thoughts please.




  1. Yeah i agree, all through an argument over smoking she could have lost her life and they could have lost 10 years of theirs if she did, the prats :)

  2. That will teach her to stick her nose in where it is not wanted.

    These no smoking fanatics get on my nerves.

  3. Both of them deserve the harshest punishment.

  4. I can't believe that they've let the older one out on bail. They should have their nuts cut off.

  5. What I would do to this kind of person is unprintable, so you get the gist. I was still hoping that this was a free Country, but I am beginning to have my doubts. They should throw the book at them, but of course they will not do that, as they do not throw it anywhere now, only in the wrong direction.

  6. You know what they will get --- £80 fine or something ridiculous, not what they really deserve! What is the UK coming to, tougher jail terms and any criminals made to do hard labour, not a smack on the wrist. Mark my words they won't get anything near what they should. If I were the judge I'd give them 6 years for endangering her life and possibly others if a train had been coming!!

    Those that said she deserved it for should be jailed too!

  7. last week's news.

  8. Yes that's exactly what they deserve, a more cowardly act you couldn't see.

  9. lock em up.

  10. Absolutely terrible.  Going about your business and coming across scum like these must be truly awful.

    I have a feeling this is an example of the public tackling yobbish behaviour as we have been urged to do by Silly Smith and Boris!!!

    I hope that they do more than throw the book at them.  It is time this country had a penal system that really punished this kind of low criminal.

  11. hahaha YES!!!

    lynch the chavs!!! Now let's hope that they actually make an example of these two instead of just giving them the usual "stern talking to"

  12. Yeah, they'll have the book thrown at them alright. 'The Railway Safety Book 2008'. They'll be told to go home and read it and promise never to do it again.

  13. I heard about this.  Why she approach them?  I would leave them be.  You can't just get lippy with complete strangers these days,  unless you can handle yourself and have back up with you.  Tho what ever happened she did NOT deserved to be pushed onto the line. pure thugs and yes they SHOULD pay for what they did to her.

  14. I hope they get whats coming to them but sadly the way the justice system they all seem to get off so light

  15. This is the lady that told the two scum bags to stop smoking.  There were many people on current events that in response to questions thought that she deserved her treatment for telling these lads to put their ciggies out.  Personally, I was shocked at that reaction - no-one deserves that treatment.  This lady missed a live track by inches and could easily have lost her life.  

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