
I hope you can answer my quiz?

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I have hip pain since last year November. In the beginning it come and goes, but its worst now. I'm only 20 years and its very strange.

Its difficult to stand up straight or my movement is restricted. At the moment its hard to sleep at night cause my hip is in pain.

I told my Physician about it and he has send me for x-rays. The x-rays came back and theres NOTHING wrong.

I still have the pain, its at the back of my hip and its a catching pain.

If you know what this might be or have any other info it will be highly appreciated.

If i go to an orthopedic what will be the chances that he will want to perform a hip arthroscope?

Please help me





  1. i also have pain like that but mine is in my lower back and hurts when i walk or stand i havent found anything to help sometimes its so bad i cant do anything. good luck sorry i couldnt help

  2. I'm not sure but that sounds alot like sciatica. I had that for a really long time and it was hard to stand up when I sat down and my hip was in pain most of the time.

    I got rid of mine by taking pain killers and doing stretches. I think the stretches do much more though.

  3. OMGrapefruit i had the same as u except in my lower back.......

    mann they did nothing 4 me either..........some people are slack....i wouldnt no wat to d cuz they didnt do anything 4 me.......and i still hurt

    gud luk =D ask around.....ALL AROUND!!

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