
I horsebackride and i have alot of ribbons but i dnt kno how to hang them up to where they will stay. any help

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I horsebackride and i have alot of ribbons but i dnt kno how to hang them up to where they will stay. any help




  1. I put nails in my bedroom wall above my windows and tied a string and hung all my ribbons there.  But I'm running out of room now ;o)  I tried those command hooks but they weren't strong enough and I had to use nails instead.

  2. the first thing u need is a big board preferably wooden and paint it white. Get some lengths of string long enough to fit the board and staple the string in place. Put one rosette on the string and put another string down below the length of the rosette and hang another rosette on. do this until u get to the end of the board. then just hang all of your rosettes on the string. put the board anywhere and admire your rosettes. u can make a load of boards and hang then anywhere. I also recommend that you cover the board + rosettes in a clear bag when you hang them up to prevent them getting dusty.

  3. yeah had the same problem when i was a kid, in the end my mom sewed them all together and made a bedspread/cover out of them, looked pretty good too

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