
I hurt her, but now I need her help. Should I tell her so?

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There’s a teacher at my school who my brother and my friend and I did something really bad to last year (we posted some bad stuff about her on the Internet). Okay, fine, over and done with; we got in trouble, she doesn’t trust us and I don’t blame her. On the second-last day of school, I wrote a story about a girl who was mistreated by her mother which was kind of autobiographical and I gave it to this teacher because I knew she didn’t trust me and my mom and stepdad had been abusive to me and my brother for a long time and all year I’d wanted to ask for help. I knew that since the teacher didn’t trust me, she’d tell the principal about it, which she did. But when the teacher and principal had me in the principal’s office on the last day of school and asked me if something was wrong, I got scared and my stepdad was right outside the office and I thought he could hear everything I said and said nothing was wrong and the story was fictional. But of course it wasn’t so I later wrote the principal a letter to tell her so. Was I wrong in what I did and should I tell the teacher I gave the story to the truth in the new school year?




  1. You should see your school principal or school counselor and talk to them. Tell whatever teacher you have in the morning that you need to speak to one of them about something really important.  Or you could just go in the office and ask for one of them in the morning.  You are being very brave for speaking up.  I wouldn't worry about what the teacher knows, especially if you don't have her anymore.  When a teacher gets info like that, they are supposed to pass it on anyways- not handle it themselves.

  2. You realize you may have made this teacher look like a fool for the second time. It seems she wanted to help you but you backed off when you should have moved forward. I would start by apologizing to her for past deeds and then work on getting help for your problem. Did they have your step Dad read the paper you wrote? Were there any repercussions from this? Regardless, no one deserves to be abused in any way. That this teacher still wanted to help after the internet thing shows she cares.  

  3. I'm sorry you have to go though this!

    My kids went though this with there step mom!

    You don't have wait for school to start, you can go to the police or look up the # for child protective services!

    If its really bad go to an adult and tell them!

    Dont wait! Please things could go from baby to worst fast in these cases!

    You can email me your area and Ill look it up and get you the info you need!

  4. No you weren't wrong, you were just scared. As an adult and a teacher she will always have the responsibility of reporting any claims of abuse.  Now there is a such thing as call "wolf" too many times before someone tends not to believe you, but in this case I'm sure  if you explain why you lied she'd understand.  All is not lost with this teacher, but if you need her help...just ask.  There are other adults you can go to for help as well if you just can't face her.  I hope you do get help for you and your brother.  Just ask!!

    Good luck and stay strong.  

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