
I hurt her but now I need her help. Should I tell her so?

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There’s a teacher at my school who my brother and my friend and I did something really bad to last year (we posted some bad stuff about her on the Internet). Okay, fine, over and done with; we got in trouble, she doesn’t trust us and I don’t blame her. On the second-last day of school, I wrote a story about a girl who was mistreated by her mother which was kind of autobiographical and I gave it to this teacher because I knew she didn’t trust me and my mom and stepdad had been abusive to me and my brother for a long time and all year I’d wanted to ask for help. I knew that since the teacher didn’t trust me, she’d tell the principal about it, which she did. But when the teacher and principal had me in the principal’s office on the last day of school and asked me if something was wrong, I got scared and my stepdad was right outside the office and I thought he could hear everything I said and said nothing was wrong and the story was fictional. But of course it wasn’t so I later wrote the principal a letter to tell her so. Was I wrong in what I did and should I tell the teacher I gave the story to the truth in the new school year?




  1. YES!!!! Tell the teacher or go directly to the principal. HOWEVER...PLEASE LISTEN TO THIS.....If you tell someone you need to be prepared to have people talk to your Mom and Step-dad and talk to you about what's been happening. Be prepared to tell the truth. prepared, if your situation is bad enough, that you and your brother could be taken away from your Mom and Step-Dad to protect you. Can you live with your Dad? With an aunt or uncle?

    I'm not saying this will happen to you since I don't know your situation. But just be prepared for this to happen if the abuse at home is bad enough.

    ALSO...even if your afraid that the above will happen it sounds like it may be better for you in the long term. It may be hard now but will be better for you later.

    AT least start with talking to someone.

  2. i would say yes, tell her the truth, or tell the school counselor they are there to help you. tell them randomly one day when your step dad isnt there.  

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