
I hurt my ankle yesterday and...?

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I hurt my ankle yesterday, I was playing basketball and I landed awkwardly on my ankle, it was swollen at first, but after 1 hour of the injury the swelling was gone, It didnt hurt that much at first, I iced it, put an icy hot patch on it and I wrapped it. It doesnt hurt me when I am laying down or sitting. I can barely walk on it though, I cant put my full weight on it. When I am laying down I can move my ankle in all directions with very little pain when moving lateraly(sideways). there is no decolorization, swelling, or any sign of a broken ankle. so my question is, is just a sprain or is it broken? should I get expert medical assistance? Should I buy a brace for it? how long do you think it will take to heal?

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  1. You're doing the right things:




    Take an antiinflammatory like Aleve or Motrin. It sounds like a sprain. Hard to tell if it's broken without an x-ray. If you can't put your full weight on the extremity because of too much pain, get checked. A good ACE wrap is as good as a brace. It will take a few days to heal, but it should improve from day to day. Stay off it as much as you can!

  2. I believe it could be just a sprain. but it would try an antinflammatory like advil, motrin, aleve, not tylenol. try that for a few days 2-3 tops. and if you want try a brace like the ones you buy at walmart. if that doesnt not seem to help then please go to you family doctor. They always want you to try RICE= rest, ice, compression, elevation. and of course antiinflammatories as well. then they could order xray with could show some soft tissue damage if it is that serious but i personally think it is just a sprain.

  3. Use RICE..and when walking..use crutches or a will give your ankle time to heal properly

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