
I hurt my back just now. Can I still go to a yoga class later?

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when I tried to lift my bag just now, I hurt my back. It is not painful but I can feel the pain there. I have a yoga class later this evening. I do not know if that is good or bad for me to do yoga after I supidly hurt my back. Anyone has suggestions?





  1. Yoga is stretching and that might be good for your back.  Go and if the pain increases or you can not work through it then just leave.  

  2. One of the benefits of yoga is to help you cure your pain!

    So, go on, exercise, but with care. Be careful, and you'll be fine.

  3. Get someone not so heavy but not too light to stand on it, or get something heavy to put on ur back and it makes it better or wack it with something heavy 0_0

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  5. i don't know how serious your pain is, whether it is injure or just streching pain.

    you can go to yoga anytime you like. but if you back is injured, it may get worse.

    wait for a few days and see.

  6. yes! thats what yoga's for, becareful going to your car,  and when you get there tell your yoga teacher what happend, so your safe at all times. and when your doing uhmm lets say tree pose, she'll he'll probably be like -------- are you okay?

  7. Go to the class and see how you get on, don't push it, just do what you can and if it gets too much stop.  of course you could always ask your yoga teacher what they think, as to whether you should or not.  a nice gentle bit of yoga might be what you need or alternatively it might make it worse.  listen to your body tho, if it hurts it means don't do it!

  8. It's not a good idea to do any physical activity when you've hurt your back. Often a back injury doesn't hurt much (or at all!) when it occurs, only to put you in severe pain a few days later.

    You say you can still feel the discomfort there, so there may be an injury you don't want to exacerbate.

    If it feels okay, go to your yoga class, but pay very very close attention to whether any poses are causing any discomfort at all. At the first twinge, do not go into the pose. You may have to find yourself leaving the class. Back injuries are nothing to be cavalier about, and you don't want to do anything that will disable you for any length of time, which could happen if you aggravate your injury in yoga class.

    It is hard to know if it is a skeletal or a muscular injury without a doctor checking you out. Put some ice on it this evening, even if it doesn't hurt (if you are still "feeling" it) and take it easy for a few days.

    And use your legs to lift, don't bend over and lift!  

  9. depends on the level of yoga. advise stick to Hatha Yoga, which is very slow stretching.

  10. Yoga should help you with your pain.Go for it.

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