
I hurt my calves after running...?

by  |  earlier

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Forgot to stretch before running and now both my calves feel like charlie horses. What should I do to make them quit hurting. Also, do you think it will be possible to run tomorrow?




  1. You probably strained your muscle. It's better to ice it for the first hour or so and them put some heat on them.

    I would also like to urge you to refrain from running tomorrow.

    Try to rest if for a while, and it will probably go away soon.

    Oh, and whatever you do, don't stretch tonight!

    You don't want to irritate your muscle any more.

    I wouldn't even TRY to stretch until tomorrow, if I were you.

  2. I usually just stretch them out SLOWLY.  I wouldn't skip your run only if they hurt really bad like it hurts when you walk.

  3. ice and heat them. also this might sound weird but take

    a midol, it works, even for ur legs.

  4. If i were you i would either ice them or heat them depending on personal preference, and you might not be able to run tomorrow unless you stretch tonight and tomorrow morning!

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