Ok, so 3 years ago I was involved in wrestling and tae kwon do. Loved the sports. I wanted to get stronger so I started training my bones so that they could take stronger blows. I overestimated the extent of my training one day and messed up my knee. The knee pain was really bad (especially when i squatted down) so I had to quit tae kwon do (wrestling was over and my new school didn't offer it so that was solved as well). Got an X-ray and the docs told me I had a bone marrow edema in my knee (still not too sure what that is).
Flash forward three years later and I wanna get off my butt and start training again but my knee acts up a little bit after my training session (which involves a lot of kicking). I wanna know how I should deal with this knee thing, if its okay to train at this stage, how much longer this condition will last and if I'll ever be back to normal. Am I further damaging my knee? Is there some simple therapy I can apply every day to speed up my recovery and/or minimize the risk?
Thanks in advance guys and gals.