
I hurt my moms feelings.. i talked to her about it but i still feel really bad..?

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I love my mom, but im going through a stage where i get really emberassed. Im 14 years old, and she emberassed me infront of my classmates. When I got home i was joking around and i was like 'Mom dont ever do that again! *laughs* and shes like 'what?' and im like 'you emberassed me! *laughs more* And she was in a bad mood for the rest of the day until night time. She seems okay now, but Im the type of person who feels really guilty about what ive done. Do you think i should go to the movies on the weekend with her? it always makes her feel better.. I just.. feel really bad right now, ANd it was the first day of school. She said she would never do it again, and i said No no, its fine mom. you can say hi when im in class, its fine. And shes like no, i wont ever do it again, but its fine now ok? =]. . . but she told me later i really hurt her feelings..




  1. The movies on the weekend would be a nice thing to do. I'm 13 starting high school and yeah my parents can embarrass me too. But it's cool cuz I love them and it always makes a good laugh. Of course it'll hurt her feelings you kinda admitted to think she's uncool. You know whenever I feel my mom embarrasses me I join in. Yea I do something to embarrass myself and I found out it's really fun! Like how me and mom were in a store and she did something that made me want to hide instead I started dancing too...I ended up embarrassing her but it was worth it!!

  2. Well she should grow up. She is responsible for her feelings, not you. It's ok for you to ask her to do or not do certain things and she should take it in stride. You probably feel excessively guilty because your mom has trained you to. Forget about it.

  3. Sounds like you are a nice, thoughtful kid.  Don't change.

    Your mom is going through a phase, too.  You are no longer her baby that hangs on her every word.  

    You apologized; she will get over it.  The movie thing is not a bad idea.

  4. Seems like many teens go through the same thing; being embarrassed in front of their friends by their Moms!!  Horrors!!  I am sure your Mom felt bad when you told her she embarrassed you because she didn't feel as if she did anything wrong.  You apologized to her and she will get past it.  Why not sit down and talk with her face to face and let her know that you love her and were not ashamed of her; just being sensitive in front of your friends.  Parents have feelings too.  I am sure she will feel better if you just talk with her and reassure her that you may have been a little insensitive to her feelings, too. You can agree on what would make you feel better the next time she greets you in front of your friends.

  5. I don't think you should do anything. She embarrassed you and you told her. If she can't handle that, too bad. At least you were honest. Talk to her about it and let her know you wish for her to not say those kinds of things when you're around your friends. It's that simple.

    You should also get over it. She's your mom and they will always embarrass you, like it or not. I'm sure there are 30-somethings out there who can tell you about their mothers doing just that. It's life. So, both of you need to get over it and talk about these things. It's stupid of her to be mad at that and it's stupid of you to feel bad about being honest.

    Talk about it with each other or you'll both have to get over it and deal.  

  6. did you say sorry?

    & tell her what you told us like how its just your age and every kid is like that not only you.

    & ya take her to the movies!!!  

  7. you probably did hurt her hard (not your fault though) because you didn't know that she didn't know she was "embarrasing" you.

    she's hurt because well you'll all "grown-up-ish" and it seems like you don't need her no more.

    yeah have some quality time with her,

    let her feel like you're still there :)

    hope it helps you!!!!

  8. I am fourteen as well and I also have the problem of feeling bad.

    Have you tried Apoligizing? If that doesnt work it might be a good Idea to take her to the movies. my mom always tells me that shehas already moved on and I should do the same ;0)  .

  9. She needs to get the h**l over it.

  10. talk  to here

  11. you don't need to feel bad for standing up for yourself. You could have been more polite perhaps, but you spoke your mind. Your mom does not have to feel hurt because you communicated with her... you are supposed to tell people when they make you uncomfortable. If you aviod standing up for yourself so that the other person doesn't feel upset with you... that is not a healthy reason. You are backing down and saying 'oh it is ok, you can do it again' or blaming yourself for being over-sensitive. Don't do that! You should never make yourself uncomfortable and sacrifice that so that others can feel comfortable. You should not have to choose between your feelings or you mom's.  

  12. she will be fine. just be really sweet to her and yes you should go to the movies with her this weekend.  

  13. BOTH of you need to get over it. Do you walk on the grass and say sorry to each and every one of them?

  14. It sounds like you should be the one who is mad... but life is short, and your mom should know that... I'm sure she is not upset anymore.  Yes, do something nice for her if that will make you feel better, but moms are tough and they will get over stuff.

  15. All I know is that the only way to solve a problem between two family members is to talk about it. Covering up the problem by taking her to the movies isn't really going to help. You could try telling her that you're really proud to have her as a mom. That'll probably make her happy.

  16. It depends what she did.  If all she did was say "hi" then yeah, you need to grow up, and you *should* feel bad.  

    On the other hand, if she waved "hi" really manically and showed up in her bunny slippers....then she should apologize and work on being more sensitive to her teenage son that's growing up and facing teenage peer pressure.  

    But from what you're saying, it sounds like it was no big deal and you should just work on being a more secure person.  

    Only go to the movies with her if that's what you'd normally be doing with your time otherwise.  Or else she might just feel like you pity her and are doing it out of guilt.  

    And I'd maybe get her a little gift.  

  17. tell your mom that you always want to be able to talk to her and its important to be able your best to put your thoughts into words carefully so what you say doesn't offend her. if she knows that you love her and care then that should help..go to a matinee.they are cheaper too..hope that helps :)

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