
I hv heard from the news that federers girlfrnd mirca is pregnant?

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I hv heard from the news that federers girlfrnd mirca is pregnant?




  1. It is mean to have people make jokes on Mirka's size if she is big from fat. It is not your taste, but maybe Rogi likes this. She is still prettier than the people who attack her. I think maybe she is to be pregnant.

    Congratualation to Mirka and Rogi!

  2. i think its true, my sister told me that yesterday

  3. I doubt it. I don't really see Federer being a dad right now. I'll believe it when a reliable media source (or Federer or Mirka him/herself) say it. But if she is congrats to both!

  4. that is right. i read that new from different website. it's true.

  5. Well if she is none of those people who have been berating her for putting on weight will apologise.

    I'd like to know how they are going to squeeze this wedding in-

    Their schedule is so busy.

    If she is pregnant. I hope they are both gleefully smiling to themselves, for pulling one over the gossips.

  6. .. oohhh my good.. i didn't know this.. but i believe it since they are together for such a long time.. !! i thought federer would once have another girlfriend..

  7. hope so a mini federer would be mean!!

    whats with all u people thinking they have 2 be married to have kids... i mean c'mon, modern age guys. my parents were 2gether for 20 yrs had 2 kids and never married. it doesnt make a d**n difference, if marriaige is right for u thats awesome, but if its not right for someone we shudnt harp on about it. its fed and mirkas buisness not ours!   but anyway i hope she is preggers that be sooo cooL!

    and jesus those people who go on about how fat she is can get a life, id like 2 see how perfect they look.

  8. i think so..

  9. They were allot of rumors going around that she was knocked up during the Sony Ericsson Open because they didn't show her on camera, but when she finally was on camera she didn't look preggers to me, she actually looked thinner. But if she is, hey congrats!

  10. Looks like she's been pregnant for over 2 years now!

  11. yessss it's true , i heard that too


  13. THAT'S why she's getting so overweight???!!!

    makes sence!!!!!!!!

  14. Roger said he was thinking of babies, and parenting. She's been holding things over her belly lately. It's possible.  Typical for Swiss and Germans to first get preggers and then finally get married after a long long dating period. Its sort of dopey. Just do it already.

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