
I hve a baby Squirrel he eats pecans and drinks only a lil formula and water do i need to stimulate him to go?

by  |  earlier

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I think he pee's on his own because his cage his towel was a little wet and smelly. But he hasnt pooped since yesterday. When i first found him he had diarrhea. Should he be drinking more? i looked up a couple of web sites but i couldnt really find the answer. Should I still stimulate him or is he old enough to go on his own?




  1. You should call your vet, or a reputable vet, and ask this question. I can't tell from your question how old the baby squirrel is. If he is very young, he should only be given milk that you can get at the vets, and not solid food. I rescued and raised a tiny little squirrel a few years back and the first thing I did was talk to a vet about what to feed him. I fed my squirrel, Rocky, with formula from the vets that I put in a doll bottle and warmed. He had to be fed quite a few times each day. He grew up quite nicely. Good luck!

  2. If his eyes are opened it is unnecessary to stimulate him. I recommend going to the web site that Sarah Rowe has on raising baby squirrels.  DO NOT ever feed the scalded milk recipe. It is not nutritionally sound for the babies. Use the Esbilac, water, whipping cream recipe that Sarah suggests. Feel free to call her also. She is great and helped me when my little guy became very ill with an infection in his bladder. He was raised and released and doing well just a few months ago. I have used this formula for a long time with great success. Hope this helps.

  3. i dont know because it is the cats categorie

  4. Baby squirrels are challenging to raise. We took one to a wildlife rehabilitation center otherwise he would have died. They have very specific dietary needs. Try to call your vet or local humane society and see if they can recommend a rehabilitation center ASAP.  

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